
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Athlete Calves

Did not even bother to have a new year resolution. Never ever any of it materialized so why bother. Does it matter? That's what I thought.

I love sports since my primary school days. Not much of an athlete but I competed in sprint and relay events and long jump. I had hope to be like my dad. I love aerobics and dancing in my secondary and college years. I enrolled myself into aerobics classes with a college mate when I was at Sunway College. It was very energizing. When I was in WMU I would run around campus at night until there was a rape incident reported that I switched and run in the late afternoons.

When I returned to Malaysia I started to run again purely to loose weight. Who knows maybe I can fit gorgeously in my wedding attire, if I ever get married.....hehehehe....I started by brisk walking from my house in Sec. 14 and upon reaching Taman Jaya ran around the lake. 2 rounds. Then stopped for a bottle of water and headed home.

So I developed a big ugly calf something like in the picture (close enough).

Credit to thinkstock and Google image.

Late of 2014 I joined CHI in Cyberjaya and would do pillates/yoga and threadmill for 2 hours on either Saturday or Sunday mornings. However due to work commitment I am not able to meet with the 6 visits a month requirement in order to maintain the subsidized rate. I cancelled the subscription.

3 days ago my other half complained about having issues with his arms and a work mate recommended why not do a little bit of exercise. When he relate to me the story, I said yeah, why not. We could walk around our neighborhood since there are security guards patrolling at nights.

And that was how it it has been 2 nights my other half and myself started speed walking. To start off, we walk 6 rounds of the soccer field. Target time is to complete in half an hour. Not bad so aim is to get rid of my double chin....hihihi...if I can loose weight it's a bonus....kah kah kah! I guess after all that would be my new year resolution......We will start with this first before proceed to eat healthy....hmmm I wonder......

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