
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Gulai Asam Pedas for Lunch

This is what we had for lunch today.

Gulai Asam Pedas Ikan Merah (or Red Snapper)

 Mixed Veggie

Sup Ikan Merah (Red Snapper)  with carrots, potatoes and celery
I seldom get the chance to cook my favourite dishes since most of the time I cater to the kids taste buds.  They don't eat chili hot and spicy stuff. But today I really had the urge to cook Gulai Asam Pedas. Yes it has been a while.....kali ini cili kering direbus dulu and blend into chili paste. All from scratch! Memang sedap. Not only I enjoyed it with a plate of steamy hot rice, the kids too dug in....hahaha what do you know!

Veggie is a must and it will always be lots of it. Kena ajar budak-budak ni makan banyak sayur. It was a simple mixed veggie consist of carrots, cabbage, kacang buncis and sweet corn.

Sup ikan merah was specially prepared for the kids. Sedap jugak...woo hoo siapa lagi nak puji....btw the kidz said lunch was simply delish!

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