
Monday, September 16, 2013

Comfort Food

Lately I have been experiencing gastritis.You know, when your stomach hurts so bad and does not require you to go to the toilet. I am yet to understand its attack patterns. Some days without breakfast I am fine. Then, there were days that I do get attacks even after light breakfast.

Tonight, I am having an attack and it hurts so bad. Felt like something squeezing my intestine. I thought I could withstand it. Could it be because something I ate? This afternoon I had satay, assam laksa, char koay teow and ice kacang at my aunt's open house. Yes, I was very full and planned to skip dinner.

So tonight, I decided to prepare Maggie instant noodle, my comfort food. Hope it will settle down the stomach ache. I love instant noodle, tell me who doesn't?  Please do not tell me that it is unhealthy. I consume instant noodle once a week. My favorite is the curry flavor. This is how my instant noodle looks like...
Funny how our instant noodle has diversify for us to enjoy the taste. 35 years ago, I placed the noodle and curry powder in a bowl then add boiling water. Wait until the noodle soften, stir and its ready to be eaten. 10 years later my aunt Azizah taught me her version. By adding garlic, fishball, fish cakes and veggies you bring out a delicious flavor.  Today just go to You Tube and search for Maggi Mee videos, omg..... various recipes that you can follow.

But tonight I was a bit adventurous and tried the assam laksa flavor. Never crossed my mind to buy this flavor. However after watching Istanbul Aku Datang, a malay movie, I said why not?  I am not so sure what is the big deal about this assam laksa flavor that a huge row erupted between Beto Kusyairi and Lisa Suryani. Tried once maybe 20-23 years ago;didn't like then and sorry to say didn't like it now either. Kalau bukan kerana sakit perut I memang tak akan habiskan maggie assam laksa flavor ni.

Anybody interested in the 5 packets I have left?

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