
Monday, October 5, 2015

The best honey is from my Aunt Aishah's bee farm.

I don't know how many of you have bought honey from our local hypermarket or private wholesalers and you may constantly question yourself if it as original as its supposed to taste? It can get so expensive if it is an imported product but i can never doubt if it came directly from my Aunt Aishah's bee farm.

I have shared before of my trip to Adelaide, Australia in 1988 where I stayed with my Aunt Aishah. So this is the same Aunt Aishah. She has recently retired from teaching and took up this new hobby.
She started a small ligurian bee farm.

From my findings, ligurian bees originate from Italy and was brought to Kangaroo Island which is an island located south of South Australia. They are more friendlier if compared to other types of bees....hihihi....the first Italian ligurian bee hives was brought to Kangaroo Island sometime back in 1884 and only in 1943 did a law was passed on ligurian bee breeding on Kangaroo Island. Ligurian bees on Kangaroo Islands are protected and they are believed to be the last remaining pure stock of this bees found anywhere in the world. These bees produces a superb range of honeys from the various floral sources including sugar gum, pink gum, white mallee and other Australia flora.

Picture from personal album - This is my Aunt Aishah posing a selfie. Behind is the existing bee boxes. Has she been stung by a bee? Of course, she said once her lips was as sexy as Angelina Jolie's....hahaha...
Aunt Aishah said her bees are busy collecting necta and pollen and sometime in mid-November she can start harvesting her spring honey, which can be around 100 kilos

New bee boxes to put on top of  the existing boxes to take advantage of the spring blossoms. Therefore she has 10 boxes to harvest from this spring. 

I asked whether she will be setting up a small business to market her honey, she said no, not yet. This round of honey will be donated in the memory of her mother (my grandmother) who recently passed away. It was because of her mother she started this hobby.

Looking forward for my next stock of honey when Aunt Aishah comes back to Malaysia in December before she, my mom and a few other of their bothers and sister head for Mekah for Umrah, insya Allah.
My honey supply is running at critical low level....we enjoy the honey with pancakes and hot tea. It is so pure that not even a single ant came close to this bucket of honey which placed on my kitchen counter.
The honey 'bee hive' ceramic container was given to me by Aunt Aishah during recent raya. The honey is D E L I C I O U S! 
Pancakes, honey with blueberries and strawberries.
Pancakes with bananas


Unknown said...

Q: Who is the bees favorite singer?
A: Sting!

Q: Who is the bees favorite pop group?
A: The bee gees!

Q: What is a bee's favorite part of a relationship?
A: The Honeymoon period.

Q: What did the sushi say to the bee?
A: Wassabee!

shs said...

Hi there. Good One!