
Monday, March 17, 2014

Rezeki Jangan Di Tolak.

 Credit to mamaeisya and google search.

Well said! And is what I felt when I saw the above.

(Translation: God never tired of listening to our prayers, but we are often less grateful. God does not select which prayer he wishes to grant but it is, us, who choose what we pray for....something like that la).

Alhamdulillah.....I very am grateful to God.

Maybe to others it is not such a big deal. After all it is just an Acting position. But this will give me the opportunity to work beyond my current scope of work. Yes, I am scared, nervous and anxious await 01-Apr. I will take up the position as an Acting for six months and I hope it will run smoothly.

I am glad some of the feedback I received from colleagues were positive. Some had such high expectations and some said I fitted well for the position. Some said it was long overdue. Maybe,.....since last year was the very first time I applied for a higher position but was unsuccessful. Recently my HR Coordinator popped by my workstation and offered me the acting position instead. How could I not refused. I hope I am able to carry out my job up to everybody's expectations. 

I am putting so much pressure on myself when thinking about this new responsibility.  I want to learn because there is not stopping in learning new things. Maybe this experience will come handy whenever I apply for an full position near future. Cooperation from team member/colleagues is essential and it is not going to be easy. Lets learn from each other. I am human, I make mistakes and there is always room for improvement.

Rezeki datang dari Allah dan bila-bila masa saja dia boleh tarik balik. Insya Allah I will do my best.

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