
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Abah.

This photo was taken a few years back. I cannot actually recall the correct year but it was Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and it coincided with Abah's birthday. A happy and cherished moment of Abah and his grandchildren.

I remember some years back my sister and myself did not know what to get him for his birthday. I mean what could we get for some one who can actually afford everything and anything, materialistically. After approaching Abah he listed out things he would like us to get him. We saw the list and of course.....all were golf accessories. So we cut the list into square pieces and draw lots...just like macam kita main kutu - cabut nombor. Mom had to but him a new golf shoes, Sheri got golf gloves and I,...kena beli golf balls.

GOLF BALLS? Murahnya I thought. That was until I got to Golf House outlet! I was suprise how expansive golf balls can cost!

Abah and his passion for golf.

Since today is what supposed to be his 70th birthday, I want to say...I tried to be the best daughter for you. I am not perfect. All I want you to know is you are always in my heart. There have been so many regrets in my life but I use it to build a stronger and tougher character of who I am today. You thought me that Abah. What I had gone through since mummy passed away in 1977...the anger, resentment, frustration all towards you and all the history in between thought me to be come a stronger person.

No one person's history can be the same.

Al Fathihah. I love you very much Abah.

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