I enjoyed every minute of my schooling life in Penang.
Towards my final year in school I would skipped classes with Saz, Ta, Pravin, Adrian, all would squeeze in Pravin's mini minor and ended up at a mamak stall. We had teh tarik and roti canai.
Throughout our years as lower and upper sixers, I would consider our girl group were the most popular in school. We were the talk of the school and we became the attention of a few prefects who just waiting for us to cause a stir. It seems like we were bad influence to others..Oh yeah? Whatever!! We were friends with everybody no matter their gender or age and we had lots of fun. Other guys at school were curious about us (us here consist of Sue A, Sue B, Saz, Rock, Tid, Ta and myself), some were bold and approached us, some were shy and some watched us from the side line. Whatever!!
When we were in lower six, we had crushes with our Upper sixers. Some were cute and thats how I met Mr D. Mr D is a Sabahan and he stayed at the school hostel/dorm. I noticed he would always look at me whenever we were across the room. I would look back. He smiled and started to talk to his friend. I felt intimidated by his action. This happened quite frequently. But that attitude made me wanted to know more about him. I dug around and did some background check on him. I got to know from my girl friends, that Mr D is not into any relationship in his final year. Ok. So? What does that has got to do with me.
Than funny thing happened, the more I think of his actions the more I am anxious to see him at school. It is like morphine, addictive. I want to see him everyday even if it was just a glimpse. Am I dreaming or what? And every time I caught his eye, he would turn and walk away. Wait a minute what did I do wrong now to receive such treatment? Such a jerk.
I lay low for a while and turn my interest befriending my juniors. They were a bunch of cool lots.
I actually put a lot of effort wanting to know Mr D much better but he was unapproachable. So my effort did not pay off and when I was about to lose interest, Mr D started to come out of his closet. We talked and his concern was of our different race and religion. Hello? Was he thinking outside of the universe...? I sense he was afraid of commitment...and was he thinking that we would go 'steady'? Is that it? Duh!?! You are leaving soon, dude. Yes, I was interested in him. Yes, I want to know him extra better than the rest. Yes, it was such a fine feeling. Yes, I had a crush on him. But....his body language gave a mixed response. He was already thinking that our religion will not hold our relationship? What relationship? We never had one! He kept on referring to a book by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Keluarga Gerilya (The Guerrilla Family). He urged me to read and he said, "You will know what I mean." Why must he bring up the religion issue? Was it necessary? He called me several times at home and we talk whenever I can. Well at least I know that I am not imagining things......
He left soon after the final exam and we never met each other since then...
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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