In 1984 my sister and I shifted back to Petaling Jaya. I like the fact now that I am staying with my parents. My dad remarried since than and the four of us were adapting to our new formed family.
We lived at Section 14 PJ which is next door to the famous Jaya Supermarket.. I grew up there until I was sent to live with my grandparents in Perak in 1979. Now I am back with a bang!!!! Dad told us that he bought the house for RM28,000. That was in 1970 and later in 2007 we sold it for whooping RM300,000! (Though the value was estimated at almost RM360,000.)
My sister and I got our own room. Yes...I like my own space and privacy. I pasted posters of my favorite star like Michael Jackson, Boy George, Paul Young, Nick Kamen, John Stamos, Scott Baio, Duran Duran, ….gosh..o.o.ooooooiii not to forget the one an only Barry Manilow! I owned a full size poster of Paul Young. I had to buy six issues for six weeks and I cannot afford to miss even one, because each issue only included one portion of his body. The teenage magazine was called JACKIE and both my sister and I loved reading.

I started listening to Barry Manilow songs ever since I found several of his tapes around the house. I never asked who it belonged to because I assumed it was my late mother's. I find she was musically incline than my dad. Probably dad didn't have the heart to get rid my late mom's possession. In fact he did not get rid anything. Since my mom passed away all her possession remained in placed until dad remarried and step mom wants her space. So Mr Manilow's tapes became my property. Being a generous dad, I managed to convinced him to get me a Sony boom-box. I would listen to Manilow's songs, copied its lyrics, replayed the songs again and again until I memorized them. And that's how I learn Manilow's songs. You will not imagine how big a fan I was that while studying in the States, I bought the 8th row ticket from center stage to see Mr Manilow himself performed! I still can remember...I took my step mom to watch the 2 hour concert. I am the person, who does not just go to any concert. I wanna leave satisfied. And that night,...I had an orgasm, figuratively speaking! Yes, I still adore Mr Manilow until today.

However, this was supposed to be the continuation of my puppy love and the tale will continue with Mr. C. I initiated this friendship. He was my step mom's nephew.
I did not see it wrong for me to get to know him since we were both in secondary 5 that year of 1985. After all he is part of the clan. We use to hang out in the small park in front of MPPJ, discussing and studying for our exam. After the final exam we had a 4 months break before the results would determined our future. We called each other on a regular basis and once he cycled all the way from Subang Jaya to my house. We also wrote to each other and I can expect funny cards and lovely letters once a week. It was good but good thing doesn't last forever.
My dad was promoted and transferred to Penang. I love the idea that the whole family will be shifting. I was actually looking forward to it. But this mean I will leave Mr C. We parted but we still continue exchanging letters and cards. Until one day my step mom started to feel suspicious of my mail activity. She asked who were the mails from and I had no reason to lie. So I told him it was Mr. C. She was curious but tolerated for a while.
In the meantime, I was registered to a new school which later made known to me as one of the oldest school in Penang. Penang Free School was an all boys school but it open doors to both genders for the lower and upper sixers. Tunku Abdul Rahman, Lim Chong Yew, and Tan Sri P. Ramlee was once a student at PFS. The school is located 10 minutes walk from our house.
I had to start all over again....meeting new people, building friendship and gaining their respect. I started to develop local speaking dialect. Enjoyed the local food such as pasumbor and penang laksa. After a while, I am all adjusted.
Mr C was so far away and my parents were very suspicious with my mail activity. One day, my mom confronted me and warned me to stop calling and writing to Mr C. Now my phone calls are monitored. Some of my mails arrived without reaching my hand. I feel so frustrated. And we had a communication melt down. It wasn't easy to break up a relationship but by the looks of it, that was what mom wanted. It was an order. There is nothing much I can do or say. I had thought of a plan to end the friendship. Anyway, looks like I am very good at breaking people's heart!
While I was doing my lower secondary six, Mr C entered Taylor's College. Its getting harder for both of us to communicate. I am tired of the pressure that I scored an Emmy Award nomination for the Best Screenplay. He had to be told the truth....yes, its another man. I left him for another a guy and that the long distance relationship will end up to nothing. He said he has no will to live if I left. That was the last letter I received....and that began to strain our relationship. Yes, it hurts.
Along the years leading to date, we came face to face at relative's house on several occasions. Since it was a family occasion, I even attended his wedding with my parents and husband. The tradition was at the end of the night the bride and groom would stand by the entrance door thanking all guests and I was nervous. Should I shake hands with him or should I just walk passed him. Finally my turn arrived and I greeted my aunt and uncle (Mr C's mom and dad), congratulate the bride and walked passed the groom! And most of the time, I avoided his presence. I was ashamed that I hurt his feelings for my own selfishness. But its a family issue I have to respect....most of all my step mom. He is now happily married with 2 children.
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