I read somewhere,
Allah kalau sayangkan umat-Nya akan menguji manusia tiga perkara untuk melihat sejauh mana ketabahan seseorang itu. Pertama; diambil-Nya insan yang kita cintai, kedua; akan diberikan seseorang itu penyakit azab, ketiga; akan diambil-Nya segala harta kekayaan menjadikan seseorang itu kehilangan segala kemewahan. Tiga azab ini akan menguji ketabahan dan kepasrahan seseorang itu terhadap-Nya.
Translation :
When the All Mighty God, Allah, love His followers, He will test upon them 3 things to measure the extend how they are able to withstand his tests. First; He will take the person we love, second; He will give you a terminal illness, third; He will take away all of your wealth. Those three will test your perseverance and resigned upon God.
Defining each words and phrase, made me think whether I have actually gone through all three. To my knowledge...I would say, yes. Mainly similar instances. Coincidence? Perhaps. Maybe I haven't been tested at all....but who knows may be what I went through in live up until today is nothing compared what is in stored for me. Am I prepared? Am I scared? YES is my answer to both questions. Your faith and prolong devotion to God is all that will save us and lead us to the right path. It will make us a stronger person.
Not only I lost my mother at a young age, I also lost the man I dearly loved. Dad has been the pillar of my strength. I have been struck by a terminal disease which was save by the expertise of doctors. Not forgetting at the time, I was in the mercy of God. I went through hardship in the finance sector several years ago and it almost ripped off my dignity.
But is it comparable to the above mention quote? Action speaks louder than words....Only GOD knows! Amin.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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