Yes! Finally I got a copy of this book, The Wedding Breaker. Written by Iman (or Evelyn Rose) a 25 years old PTD Officer who is currently pursing her PhD in the United Kingdom.
I cannot remember how I ever discovered the link to 30 chapters from that book. I said to myself, " Lets give it a try." Reading novel online? Sure, I can save myself some money. I like it a lot. And I was forced to stop reading, that is when it froze after chapter 30. Haih!!! Search everywhere on the net,....nothing.....then I arrived at Iman's blog. The Wedding Breaker was published in 2012 has turned in to a TV Drama which just recently ended on TV3. Oh,.... no wonder la.....
I have been reminding colleagues if they ever go to a bookstore, please look out for this book as well as "13 jam A380", another bestseller by the same author. So finally on Valentine's Day, was my lucky day. This belongs to me....
This book which has an English title is 80% is in Bahasa Melayu and the remaining is in English. Living in UK for so many years, Iman used her own character in part and parcel of her storyline. Couple of times I believe Hana Sofea, the main character in 13 Jam A380 is Iman. And more often, I sense a Virginia Andrews style in writing. Both books has a connectivity among the characters. Virginia Andrews did that a lot in her series books. There's also the aristocrats and the commoner who lead the storyline.
I would like share synopsis chapter by chapter as I go along reading the book. I am not sure whether I should ask for the author's permission to do this......Anyone? Should I?
Chapter 1.
Ariana Rose arrived to break a wedding between Tengku Adam Kamil and Tengku Juwita. Just as the groom was about to be solemnized, Ariana stood up and said that this wedding cannot go on. She rubbed her bulging tummy and claimed that the groom is the father of the child she is carrying. All attendees obviously was shocked and there was commotion. Ariana slipped out of the house. The host had to call off the wedding.
Both Ariana and Juwita found it hilarious that their plan worked out pretty well. It was a set-up! Both staged the drama because Juwita did not want to marry Tengku Adam Kamil through a family arranged marriage. Adam a "player" and with a snap of his finger he can get any women he wants. Juwita did not want to fall in to his prey. Ariana Rose, the protagonist agreed to the whole charade to payback a debt. Juwita saved her live once and she felt responsible to help a friend in need.
Moving on to Adam, he had lots of explaining to do. He stood by his side of story. He did not know who the pregnant lady was....END.
Chapter 2.
Adam instructed Hilmi, his personal bodyguard to trace the woman who storm in at his wedding. In a way he was glad that it happened. This means he does not have to get married to Juwita.They do not love each other.
Hilmi compiled and updates Adam information he gathered on Ariana. Adam was satisfied with Hilmi's work. Ariana starts feeling paranoid that someone is following her.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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