It was such a hectic day today for me. Woke up early and had my shower. Woke up the kids and their's the visit to the dentist!
This round it was Shakiel's first ever visit to the dentist. His appointment will be right after my monthly braces maintainance check up. Last night I briefed him ( all logics) what does a dentist do and the procedures he will be going through. Shakiel was very hesitant and it made we upset that he had refuses (a couple times before)to meet the dentist.
Anyway before going into the car, he revised everything that I've told him last night and he sounded confident. I was happy. At the same time we decided to take both car to PJ where the Satria will be sent for servicing.
As usual we arrived late at the dentist and this time it was 20 minutes. After just waiting 5 minutes, I was called in. Shakiel tagged along behind and i gave him instruction not to touch any of the equipments but he is free to ask as many questions he wants, while waiting for the doctor.
He asked why the nurse wears gloves.
What are the wired equipment neatly arranged on the counter.
Why must he lay down on the seat when the doctor checks his teeth.
And so on.
After my check-up was done, it was Shakiel's turn. Surprisingly he behaved well and I explained to him what the doctor was doing as we go along the process. Couple of times he gave me a thumbs up and I know he was doing great. When all was done he thanked the doctor and he was very happy with his cleaned and polished sets of teeth. Doctor said his teeth are good and healthy. He was so excited showing off his teeth to his dad. Then we proceeded to Medan Selera at Section 14 for breakfast.
By 10:30 we had to rush back to Puchong. It's parent and teacher meeting day at the kid's Montessori. Again 10 minutes late, we met up with Shakira's teacher, Ida. She showed us Shakira's report card and I was almost drowned in tears with what I saw. Ma baby, Shakira, scored first in her class out of 20 students!
Then it hit me. I promised Shakira my white gold and diamond necklace should she get #1 in her class. She has been eyeing on the necklace ever since she saw me wearing it a few months ago. I thought she could never do it but she did it somehow. So, there goes my necklace......
So tonight before she went to bed, I put the necklace around her neck.....let she sleep in peace. She deserved to sleep like a princess.
Thank you GOD for giving me such precious children which I never regret bringing in this world. ALHAMDULLILLAH. AMIN.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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