On the morning of November 15 I woke up and went downstairs to open up the curtain shades and windows. Then suddenly I noticed a pink colored box sitting on the counter and took a closer look. Without my eye glasses I'm blind as a bat.
I noticed a card and read it...It was from my hubby and I thought of how sweet of him. Another gift mmmm. The other day was bouquet of flowers sent to my office and now another surprise? What has he done now?
As I read the card...I was very embarrassed to acknowledged that it was our anniversary. Yes. 10th year of marriage. And I totally forgot about it. How stupid I could be. Usually I'm not the kind who would forget special occasions but I am very surprised with what's happening to me.
I sat down for a while to ponder where did I go wrong? How could I forget this eventful day? I guess things happened when you are caught up in so many things that have been going around you and you tend to miss something.
What can I say, kutuk?
"We met 18 years ago. Married for 10. We have gone through the ups and downs, the lows and highs, thick and thin of this marriage. All the trial and turbulence made us stronger to sail through another 10 years, if GOD permits. Life is unfair sometimes but that was all planned to be. Not by us. We are put on this earth to carry out duty to mankind and to continue on with the cycle. If I were given a chance to change things, kutuk, I will change nothing!
I still remember,
The first time we met.
The first time how you lured me.
The first time we spoke for hours on the phone.
The first feeling of not wanting to you let go after our first date.
The first time being in a car which runs out of brake.
The first time you spent your paycheck to buy my groceries.
And so many first times.....endless.
To you, kutuk, I love you dearly and you know that. So sorry I forgot our anniversary.
WE love you kutuk. The kids adores you. Please never give up on us.
Happy Anniversary My Love. May GOD bless you and our family!"
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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