Weird thing happened early tonight...while my husband is fixing the hammock outside, a strange looking man, kind of dark complexion, in long sleeve shirts had also the good morning towel hanging around his neck came knocking on our front gate. Eeemmmm quite strange looking. He stood out of our front gate and asked for something, which we could barely hear. Neither my hubby or myself wanted to budge and get closer to the stranger. The guy was mumbling asking for our phone number or he wanted to borrow our wasn't very clear.
We couldn’t see his it was getting dark.
I kept trying to capture a clearer view of him but some potted plant with sprouting branches were blocking. My son was out closer but I told him to stand back, twice. That spooked us a while. My hubby replied to the stranger....”tak da, tak da.” And the stranger just left. Just like that. My hubby and I kept asking each other who was he…and stared blankly. So quietly we continued to finished up on the hammock and went inside the house.
Later I thought IT maybe sending some kind of message to me to get into the house since its just passed Maghrib. Tak elok duduk luar senja2 ni and pergi solat.
It really gives me the creeps. The stranger keeps on playing in my mind. Who was he? Well he may not be any important. But it just puzzles me....maybe one of these days I will asked the Montessori a house away...if they happen to speak to the stranger. I noticed their front gate were wide opened earlier. The stranger must have stepped inside.
Thinking about it gives me the shivers. And to top all that about 7 pm we took the kids on their bikes around our taman until Maghrib!
I guess God works in mysterious ways... Maybe it has been a long day for us and we were just too tired.
But question still arise...who was he?
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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