I like to share with you how we (my hubby and I) decide to select names for our kids. There are 2 parts series of this article. Our first born is SHAKIRA.
Part Un
It took quite a while for me to plan to have kids. Rasa macam tak sanggup nak carry out heavy responsibility bila dah ada anak nanti. Actually the thought of to stop smoking tu sebab sebenarnya….lama tu nak berhenti merokok. Hahahaha.
Anyway, I stopped smoking 2 months before I planned to get pregnant. Getting pregnant was easy. Sekejap je melekat. We did it in Cameron Highlands.
By October 2001 (I think) I was confirmed pregnant. Fortunately my pregnancy was a breeze tak ada ridiculous craving except I like to eat a lot of Maggie goreng and Japanese food. Towards my 8th month of pregnancy, my hubby kept pushing me to drink a lot of soya bean milk. Dia kata biar anak kulit putih. Bukan yg dalam kotak you beli kat supermarket but the fresh ones bought in front of Joo Hua Stationery in Sec. 14 PJ.
Coming to my 5th month of pregnancy, I saw a female Columbian artist on MTV. Her name was Shakira and wow…was she stunning. She had that thick curly and wavy hair and she sure can shake those hips. She was dancing to her first English song from her first English album, Whenever, Wherever. I said to myself, if what I’m carrying is a girl, Shakira will be her name.
I was also careful with choosing a baby name because I nak jugak yang ada reflect good meaning. Jugak tak mahu ada nama yang panjang or unik yang susah nak disebut. Every parents ada citarasanya. Don’t want to embarrass the kid when they grow up kalau nama tak elok. Also my kids must maintain the same initial as both my hubby and I have. Search and search which later I jumpa…SHAKIROH which means kesyukuran. So I was happy with it. SHAKIRA and SHAKIROH are quite closed.
I was 7 days over due when when I was asked by Dr. Idris (of PMC) to admit myself on the morning of July 5, 2002 at 10 am which I did oblige. I was induced and only gave birth at 12.47 am July 6, 2002. Penat….memang memenatkan. The closer to giving birth…the more pain and rasa nak tarik je baby tu keluar. I was too tired to push when Dr. Idris walk in with his knee length plastic apron and fish monger boots decided it was time to vacuum suck the baby.
Finally after a couple of push, a cut and suctions, the baby came out. When the nurse push the baby’s way in front of my face, they quickly tagged her and clean her up..I was numb and only wanted to cry of joy. I bore a new life in this world. My hubby was there and we rejoiced to GOD’s creation. My baby girl cried and yes,….she was loud. She was so fair and red. She has those heavy round cheeks with round chin. Her hair was dark with thick curls. Alas, we named her Shakira.
Initially, we were quite flabbergasted macamana Shakira gets to be so fair and doesn’t actually look like neither both of us. I tribute it to the following factors,
1. My late mother’s side of the family - I had a Chinese grandmother and most of my relatives have those mata sepet, fair and Chinese features. Unfortunately I get my father’s side of the family package.
2. My mother in law, too, is quite fair herself.
3. Then again her curly hair may come from all the Maggie goreng I ate. Or maybe from Shakira the artist herself.
4. Her fairness may be from all the soya bean milk I drank.
So it could be one of those reasons.
Anyway, that is the story how Shakira got her name. Hubby kata I ni perasan but sometimes I do see the resemblance between my Shakira and Shakira the artist.

Or this crazy idea have been playing in my mind…that my real baby girl must have been switched while she was in the hospital….jeng… jeng…. jeng…..
To be continued.
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