It’s been a while since I opened up my blog. Things have been quite hectic. Juggling work, motherhood, wifehood…….if you get what I mean. And there’s ‘Our House’ …….so peaceful……green…….relax, and somehow I find that time flies so fast these days….ummmmm
Recently I was offered a job with a reputable international company which will be located in Cyberjaya. Yup I accepted the offer! What could I ask for more…my daughter started her kindy… house….new job….new life….and again a new beginning….I am indeed happy and a lucky woman. I guess there is a glimpse of truth when they say life begins at forty!!!!!!!
I will tender in my resignation end of January 2008. With one month notice my last day of service will be at the end of February. Just nice for me to enjoy a short break before I start my new job on March 10. Maybe we could go for a short holiday trip or go back to my hometown….yeah I think I’ll do that. Wanna check out what my parents have been up to since our last visit.
Eversince we installed ASTRO, my children have been dominating the Cartoon Channel from 6 pm till 9:30 pm daily. So I picked up an old habit. Reading. I read a lot when I was conceiving my daughter and mostly enjoy non-fictions and autobiographies. I lost it for sometime and what better way to keep myself occupied these days by reading the old book collections. So far I have finished three in the past week. But this I had to share with you….something I have been feeling for the past 12 months with my current employer. Well, actually the Managing Director….Mr. Ng Yew Sum.
I found this excerpt from Diana Ross best selling memoirs – Secret of a Sparrow. I hope she wouldn’t mind borrowing the following to me,
Recently I was offered a job with a reputable international company which will be located in Cyberjaya. Yup I accepted the offer! What could I ask for more…my daughter started her kindy… house….new job….new life….and again a new beginning….I am indeed happy and a lucky woman. I guess there is a glimpse of truth when they say life begins at forty!!!!!!!
I will tender in my resignation end of January 2008. With one month notice my last day of service will be at the end of February. Just nice for me to enjoy a short break before I start my new job on March 10. Maybe we could go for a short holiday trip or go back to my hometown….yeah I think I’ll do that. Wanna check out what my parents have been up to since our last visit.
Eversince we installed ASTRO, my children have been dominating the Cartoon Channel from 6 pm till 9:30 pm daily. So I picked up an old habit. Reading. I read a lot when I was conceiving my daughter and mostly enjoy non-fictions and autobiographies. I lost it for sometime and what better way to keep myself occupied these days by reading the old book collections. So far I have finished three in the past week. But this I had to share with you….something I have been feeling for the past 12 months with my current employer. Well, actually the Managing Director….Mr. Ng Yew Sum.
I found this excerpt from Diana Ross best selling memoirs – Secret of a Sparrow. I hope she wouldn’t mind borrowing the following to me,

“He was reaching the place where he was always right and everybody around him was always wrong. He had gone from being a person I admire and happily consulted with to someone who couldn’t listen. I could never get in a word edgewise. I guess the adage “Power Corrupts” is true. It was certainly true in Berry’s case. Somewhere along the line, he must have forgotten that he was a leader, not a dictator. He made it unbearable for me, and so, inadvertently, he became for me an instrument of change.”

Thank you Miss Ross. (Berry refers to Barry Gordy, Motown Founder)
It gave me goose bumps when I read it. It very much describes my feelings in black and white. Apa boleh buat when you are too long at one place (to be exact 13 years 4 months and 13 days under the same group of companies), be it major or minor issues, ada saja salah kita yang di cari. I rasa macam susah nak bernafas….rasa tension bila Mr. Ng masuk office…tension sesangat. Bila dia cuti or tak masuk, leganya Tuhan saja yang tahu… that extend. So dari rasa tension yang akan develop menjadi darah tinggi pulak, I decided to proceed to the next level.
I always bid farewell to other staff and colleague but now my time has come. Never thought this day would come…but it finally has…..
Good bye Hiti Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd and Channel Systems Asia Sdn Bhd. I bid u fare well.
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