I met him on one occasion at Kelab Golf Cinta Sayang in Sungai Petani, Kedah (1990, I think?). My dad knows him fairly well and whenever Tan Sri was in Kedah, he will not hesitate to ring my dad for a round of golf. My dad was KCK Kedah/Perlis at the time.
To me Megat Junid looks snobbish but my perception changed drastically when he acknowledged my presence across the table (they took a short break after 9 holes). He asked what's my name, how old I was, how was I, whether I am enjoying my trip, what are my plans for the future…….My dad who was seated next to him nodded his head signaling me to answer to Tan Sri’s questions. He was an okay guy. Not bad at all, not bad at all. Then Tan Sri, my dad and their group resume the remaining 9 holes. Before he walk away, he shook my hand and said good luck with my trip to US. He added, you are a lucky girl. Now I can see why he has an emotional attachment to the police force!
Siapa yang tak kenal dengan Megat Junid masa tu……semua orang talk about his secret marriage to local artist, Zeila Jalil. I find it kindda odd for a young girl at her age (probably about my age at that time) to marry a very much older man, yang macam pangkat bapak, as old as Megat Junid. But anyway it was her life, her choice….her prerogative.
That was that. And the next time I heard about him was in 1993. I was diagnosed with TB in the spine while I was studying in the US. I was admitted after 9 months of agonizing back pain, short of breath and tremendous weight loss. I used to be about 125-130lbs but the day I was admitted my weight was 94 lbs! The doctor said diagnosis was inconclusive but need immediate attention as my spine was seriously damage after a view from CT Scan. One hard bump or fall can paralyze me from waist down. My aunt rushed to my bedside all the way from Virginia. She was very emotional, maybe dia ingat I dah nak mati or something…It took doctors a week to determine what I had. Test after test, pint after pint of blood drawn out of me to eliminate lymphoma and other form of cancer. Finally they detected it was TB and the bacteria is eating up my bones! My spine to be specific! They no longer can wait, did the surgery and completed in 6 hours. My lungs collapse during the procedure but it was not a serious issue. I came out and stayed in the ICU for 3 days before the nurses transferred me to a 'restricted' room due to my TB condition. Fortunately it wasn’t the coughing TB. Doctors said my lungs were clear. Visitors have to put on surgical mask to avoid TB infection. Then my mom arrived followed by my dad a few days later.
My dad arrived and presented some cash from relatives and get well cards from this colleagues. Then my dad handed over US200 and he said it is from Megat Junid. I was taken aback but flattered by his generosity.
I was discharged after 2 weeks in the hospital and recovery took about a year. Every week there were spine checks, eye tests (brought by side effect of medication), blood test and then twice a week finally once a month. Tons and tons of medications for daily consumption. Macam makan kacang je….. Dad went back a month later due to his heavy responsibility at IPD KL and mom went back to Malaysia two months after he did. As for me…….Disneyworld here I come. The cash given to me by Megat Junid was all spent on my trip to Orlando with …..you know who you are…you devil, you!
As conclusion, setiap orang ada persepsi terhadap Megat Junid. Macamana orang cakap keburukan beliau mahupun kebaikan beliau, pada saya he has his soft side. Only those whom heart was touch by his generosity and kindness know who Megat Junid is! Just as been told………..Al-Fathihah.
Al_Fatihah - To me Tan Sri adalah seorang guru yang baik ,rajin dan berdedikasi.
Dia adalah bekas guru saya pada tahun 1973 - 1974.
Thank you for your comment. I understood from my father he was once a teacher in Kedah.
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