That weekend we attended Along's wedding. He is a friend of my other half. After a failed marriage he met a nice lady and he decided to get marry for the second time.
I could not exactly remember where the house was but I think it was somewhere in Jalan Puchong.
I was dressed in a baju kurung Kedah's top and an Indonesian Batik Lepas....yes, we were properly dressed and how unfortunate it rained the entire experience. But we made the best out of it.
We helped ourselves with food from the buffet table and found a table to seat. The only seats available was in front of a huge fan. I am not worried about my hair this time since i had it clipped up. But it rained heavily!
It keeps on pouring and pouring. I can't do anything to save my kain batik lepas as I was already half drench in rain........hahahaha......Sitting in front of the fan....shivering a little.
Well I didn't do my hair instead basah lenchun kain batik jawa akak....huhuhuhu........epic.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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