I have not been writing and posting since mid July and tangan ni memang gatal nak menaip something. I have been silent due to my work commitment. It was and still is over whelming. Last 2 weeks I was authorized to work from home for 3 days to clear backlogs belonging to supervisor's in my team. This will eliminate incoming distractions at work. Maklumla, 10 minit buat kerja bersembang nya lebih. Nanti ada pulak staff yang datang tanya ni, tanya tu...then meeting tu, meeting ni....so banyak hal nak layan.
I have several postings in draft and do not have the opportunity yet to prove read them.
Everyday is a challenge for me. Work from 9 to 5:30 pm. Reached home switched on to mom and maid apron. Prepare dinner. Than after dinner locked on again to my computer and finished work around 1-2 am. Kalau weekend there are times I am glued to my seat until 4 am. Sad kan? Where's my work life balance? When do I change to my wife apron?....In between, hahaha itu tak perlu cerita ya!
Credit to Google Image and www.giftsmate.net |
I have pictures I wanna share and it's all captured in my new mobile ASUS Zen 5. Yay! finally after a long wait I manage to get a replacement for my Blackberry. Blackberry gave my problems with its touchscreen....menyampah! However, some functions are still operational perhaps need to send for servicing and repairs. We'll see how it goes. Why Asus mobile? Haaaa itu pun ada cerita di sebaliknya. Tungguuuuuu.....
So today I will try to complete one posting for my own satisfaction. Perhaps malam nanti ada la tu.
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