
Sunday, July 6, 2014

King of Fruit - Durian

Recently I drove by our Medan Selera or Food Court and right in front, I see 3 lorries unloading durians....hmmmm wah dah musim durian agaknya sekarang, I thought.

But banyak macam tu sekali? Agaknya orang yang tinggal kat area sini kemaruk think of it, these days you can get durian any time of the year. Not like 30-35 years ago where durian season was only ....maximum pun twice a year.  It's the time where you look forward to go back to kampung.....saudara mara berkumpul, makan beramai-ramai, berebut and gelak ketawa.....all that are gone.

My grandparents had 2 separate kebun durian. Dia orang adik beradik bergilir-gilir kutip durian bila musim durian tiba. Seronok dapat kutip durian. They know which trees produced quality durian and which ones does not.  Normally the not so good quality, kita orang buat tempoyak. Itu kerja my grandmother. Lepas sudah 'kupas' durian she will separate the flesh and the pips. The flesh is mixed with a little salt and kept in glass container in the fridge untuk dijadikan tempoyak. Sometimes the good quality durian my grandfather will sell them by the road side. Lepas duit rokok dia cakap....hehehe

Just like my pisang story,....bila musim durian.....macam2 masakan berunsurkan durian. My favourite being pulut durian and santan.....delish!!!!
Credit to Google Images and
But these days, I simply lost the thrill to eat durian, tengok pun menyapah...sebab dah terlampau banyak dan tak kira musim. Cuma kalau terasa nak makan tempoyak, I akan cari kedai makan yang serve gulai tempoyak or sambal tempoyak. Malangnya most gulai tempoyak di masak dengan ikan patin, which I don't eat. Satu kali makan cukuplah until the next time.

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