
Sunday, May 18, 2014


This is Rock Star. He is a fighting fish or ikan laga.

It was a Mother's Day gift from my other half and the kids. Thank you guys....Though I do not favor having pets....because of past experiences,...I am learning to like it by the day. You know how people say, once you give a pet a name you will start to get attached.

Why Rock Star? Don't know, it just popped up in my mind.

It was my other half's intention that I bring the fish to work. Its supposed to be therapeutic. Supposed to help me to reduce my stress level when looking at it. Sometimes it I don't think I want to bring to work. I am more concern whose gonna feed Rock Star during weekends I am not at work. Or when I go for long leave?.....SO I am keeping him at home!

Suka tengok bila dia kembang kan ekor dia....and funny bila tengok dia makan....mula2 masuk dalam mulut then it spit it out....hihhihii. The way he swims graceful. Kesian jugak bila tengok dia swimming alone but ikan laga ni tak boleh keep in pairs, they will fight with each other.

Thank you very much guys and love you all. To Shakiel who put in 99% effort making my Sunday a real cheer with the mother's day card and 4 'recycled' gifts, you're a blessing in disguise.

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