I cannot recall what triggered this memory of me being in the school band. But hope you will enjoy this.
Oh yes, now I remember. On 02-Apr Miss Cockroach attended a 2 hour performance by Seri Puteri Symphonic Winds at Seri Puteri School in Cyberjaya. She said she enjoyed it very much. She has been looking forward to this event a month earlier when she purchased the RM10 ticket. In fact Miss Cockroach was sick that weekend and she insisted of going to watch Symphonic Winds. A little hesitate, I let her go. Doctor gave her the 'okay' if she takes her medications on time.
When she came back she told us of her experienced and my other half started his search on You Tube of Symphonic Winds. Wow! They are good. They have performed in Singapore and won a gold medal at the Australian International Music Festival in Sydney. Jangan marah...they also performed in the Sydney Opera House!
So this brings back memory of my primary school band. Small but the pride of our school....hahahaaaa. We normally performed at school events and one time, we were invited to attend a band competition in Ipoh.
Then it was our performance....we were nervous, we performed, we did not make a single mistake......and we left. So we did not win. Perhaps luck was not on our side. On the bright side, it was a really good experience and an eye opener....talk about innocence, huh?
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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