I ni bukanlah pakar memasak. Buat suka-suka. Kadang2 tekak ni rindu nak try masakan yang I nak makan. Beli senang je but preparing it gave me more satisfaction. Asal ada ingredient yang tak cukup, zooommmm I will dash off to my local grocer. Macam tu la 2-3 kali zoooommmm pun adakalanya. I am not good at improvisation when it comes to cooking. I must have the complete ingredients, kalau tak semangat memasak tu pudar.
So, last Sunday this is what we had for brunch. A simple dish of Bee Hoon Goreng. This time I add a bit of ' tauchu ' or dark soybean paste. I used squid sebab squid lagi manis kuahnya. Add sawi and kobis but skipped the beansprout. Sedap jugak sebab memang dah lama tak masak bee hoon with tauchu. I soaked 2 square pieces of dried bee hoon for 3 hours, toss a few extra ingredients and the result is......
Presentation is important but with the kids, hummm....they do not appreciate the art you display on the food. Nak resipi, search in You Tube. Berlambak. What I would suggest, you pick a few videos. View them and make one recipe which is YOURS. Get it? Boleh jadi your signature dish. Alaaaa, chef-chef tu semua pun lebih kurang macam tu jugak.
Anyway, been hoon goreng langsai and the kidz enjoyed it. Of course I got good review from my #1 food critic, my son,....sedap mummy masak! 2 thumbs up. Hehehe..... ok ok asalkan jangan ada yang sakit perut sudahhhhh.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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