I have been rather busy with the kids final exams whole of last week. Last minute revision. Just pray that they will do well. Did not cook anything during the weekend instead we ate out. Last night we treated ourselves with Johnny's Steamboat at Alamanda Putrajaya. It was raining and what a nice way to have steamboat for dinner. Yum!
Last Saturday, I passed by a shop lot where we had lunch and notice a warehouse sale banner in front one of the unit in Bukit Puchong. They sell books, all sorts of books. So dragged the kids to check out the place and awesome, there were thousands of books on sale. Yay!!!
I am a sucker on autobiographies. The Manager asked whether I was a journalist since I purchased mostly autobiographies. Flattered but I replied no.....hehehe....thought of becoming a journalist at one point of my life....I bought myself 4 books and it cost me RM25.00! Good deal. I have started reading Bill Cosby's Fatherhood. Some of the book content duplicates most of his stand-up comics performance. They were hilarious!
Shakira saw what she liked. She found a spot among the book shelves and sat quietly flipping through the pages of ' You can draw Manga!'.
But Shakiel who wasn't sure what he should get. Walking along the shelves aisles he was not happy that he couldn't find a single book he liked. He is not an avid reader. Mostly he reads malay comics. I told him that he does not need to buy if he does not find what he likes. We can check out other places another time. However he insist on getting one and he selected a book on Lighthouses!
Did he read it? Well, let me tell you that the book has been sitting on the dinning table ever since we brought it home!
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago