Syukur ke hadrat illahi rezeki yang di berikan pada bulan Ramadhan ini.
This is the last batch of 'dadih' today. It went smoothly. Thank you to my other half who has been very encouraging throught out the process. At times I just wanna give up. Now I can catch up on my sleep. Insya Allah until the next Ramadhan, I have lots to learn and lots to improve not only on the presentation but especially on my budget strategy. I started with RM100 and today, I manage to rake RM1,747.00 in sales. Simply amazing.
Also to my meentor, Kat, who pitched this dadih idea, thank you very much. Never expected I had enough courage to last this long, 26 days!
I am going to miss the daily incoming cash but life has to go on. Only God knows what is in store for me next.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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