I can't sleep. I have triple loads of clothes to fold but yet I just want to pin down my thoughts.
This morning we had sahur at Mc D. Good for a change after most nights lepak at the mamak. What I want to share is being a civic minded person. This is mealy my opinion and others may not agree with me.
For those spent their tertiary education in the United States (of America) learnt that customers always clean up after themselves. Before I left for the States, my mentality is, right after I walk off from my table at any fast food joint, there will be a restaurant worker/cleaner to clean up after our mess. I acknowledged that. This has been happening since day one. Hey, why should I clean up, you were paid to do that. Never did I ever saw anyone willingly pick up all the paper container on to the tray and dispose it in the bin. Never! That was before.
Then I arrived in the United States and saw the opposite. The customer orders, pays, eats, and clean up after themselves. Wow! Amazing, such a robot.....But then, after 4 years, I adapted to the custom and that is what both my other half and myself instill in both our kids. No. I am not Americanized. Just some things make sense. As an adult you weight the good and the bad and its consequences. This is a good example of being a civic minded person. Create discipline to build a better society. If they can do it at Mc D's, why not at home or in the public?
Now, I see not much improvement since the last time I left for the States in 1990. Customers are still ignorant, selfish and a snob. In fact, tonight a lady who was too lazy to walk to the disposable bin, walked half way, stopped and shoved a restaurant cleaner a handful of tissue papers. She was signalling to the cleaner to throw her rubbish. The cleaner obliged while the lazy women walked back to her table, er...which was 3 steps away. Hump.....
Do you think we could ever change people's mindset? I don't know. The most logical thing to do is we have to change ourselves first before we can change others. At least that is what we've been doing with our kids.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago