The other night my son came running into my bedroom and wanted to borrow a pen.He said he wants to write down the name of a medication which is good for me.
Later he came back and passed me a slip of tiny piece of paper with the word, 'Niquitin' on it. I know what that is! Then he said, "Mummy buy la, this is good and it will help you...."
Boy, it is easier said then done. Thank you Shakiel, I know you mean well. I love you too.
Insya Allah, jika ada kekuatan diri ini............
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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