For the past few years I witness too many death in the family. The young growing older and the old gets older, and they die! It IS the cycle of life.
Today I received news that my uncle (Abah's younger brother) was admitted in ICU at Pantai Puteri Hospital, Ipoh. It started with difficulties urinating and bowel movements. It's the prostate issue. Just like Abah. From there it will lead to some other discoveries....before death sends his invitation. It is difficult to accept death especially those close to you.
Uncle Ros was like a father to me when I was growing up in Parit. His always on the look out for my "activities" when I reached puberty! Hahaha.....He was a teacher and a few years towards his retirement, he became a headmaster (not too sure which school but in Parit). He was the only child who followed my grandfather's footstep of becoming a headmaster. If Tok Din was still around, I am sure he will be very proud. Uncle Ros too, wanted to join the police force but my Tok Din did not approved of it.
Uncle Ros is a funky guy. I remember when I was growing up, whenever he drops by my grandparent's house, he will not loose his bell-bottom pants and white Travolta shoes. Oh yes, the cigarette between his fingers is his trademark,...and talking at the same time. Hmmm and his rayban...always. He is well liked by the community in Parit, friendly, respected and politically correct.
Uncle Ros will always defy fate. He will not step into a clinic when he was sick. Will not take any medication when he was not well. He said the doctor's medicine makes him more sickly! How bout that! The way I look at it, my father's side of family are the type who were afraid to seek medical treatment, only when it was too late to help them.
Uncle Ros is a heavy smoker just like Abah. He carries both Benson and Gudang Garam and he will alternately smoke them. People say we loose more and more oxygen in the red blood cells when you are a smoker, what else if you have been a smoker of more than 55 years. I heard from my aunt that Uncle Ros stopped smoking about a month ago.
So tomorrow, my sister and I will drive up to Ipoh to pay Uncle Ros a visit. We hope he will recover and live a healthier live. There are people who still care and love him.
Dear GOD, please protect my dear uncle.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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