Who doesn't love handbags?
I like handbags. Indeed I do. But I am very picky at choosing one. I like my handbag to be able to fill with so many things from keys, mobile phone, wallet, letters, lipstick and sometimes my lap top!
I am not the type of person who likes to change handbags daily to suit her appearance. So that is why I buy one which suits me for all occasion be it work or leisure. My collection are quite limited because I use my bags to the max.!
It is quality that matters to me the most. Must be an original and not a fake or knock-off. Personally, I do not feel confident in myself if I am carrying a knock-off. Please apologized for that statement but that's how I feel. It is not "class" I am looking for but more of personal satisfaction.
Yes, one is willing to spend a huge sum of money for an original designer handbag. An original designer handbag can fetch as high as RM50,000 a piece or may be even more. As for me, I have my limits. Hey, if you have the dough, go for it girl. Why not? The most expensive of the luxury handbags are made by Hermès. Prices start at a staggering RM15,000; handbags are made to order, and the waiting lists are years long. I do not go for excessively expansive handbags. For a RM15,000 I can put a down payment for a house!
I started carrying a handbag when I was in my sophomore year in Uni. Nothing fancy and hell, I could not even remember the brand anymore. Was is Liz Claiborne? I don't know. Back then, what I buy are the type that catches my eye, ya know, like love at first sight. When I started working in PJ and earning my salary, I upgraded my selection to Bonia, Sembonia than Charles Jourdan. Rasanya sekarang ini kalau tak silap CJ dah tak ada. I think they filed for bankruptcy. I like their shoes, though. They are very comfortable to wear. Once, I had 3 pairs which I bought from Starhill.
Anyway coming back to handbags, around this time, I fell in love with Lady Dior when Lady Diana on numerous occasion carry this design. She has various colors and sizes of the same design mostly in leather. But mine is of fabric material and in 1996 it cost me RM1500.Selalunya i carry this kalau ada dinner party or to a wedding reception. Otherwise, Lady Dior akan terperap dalam closet jugak.
Another precious handbag I still keep is my "hantaran" handbag I received on my wedding in 1998. I have only worn it once and it is kept well in my closet. Maybe someday I can pass it down to my daughter...Handbags have been one of an important accessories for women. These days we're prepared to spend more on a handbag. I belief it is partially because handbags flashes a unique statement of a woman's status, as well as earning power. Huge designer label like LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy) makes millions of dollars each year from handbag sales alone. It is in your choice of bag that you can make sure you stand out from the crowd.
I have been dying to own an LV for a while and when opportunity came knocking on my door, I rushed down to Starhill and purchased my ever first LV. It was difficult to decide which one to buy and i think the shoulder bag of LV Signature monogram was a good buy. I simply love it. It cost me a hefty RM3K but I'm glad I bought it. The timing was right. Tapi memang I felt guilty once I arrived home. Gheeze, a handbag cost that much? But after a while, bila dah digest the pros and cons...I was okay. Heck man, I have an LV, hehehehe.....This is a start of a beautiful friendship...And she has served me well indeed. Definitely I have my late father to thank who made it a reality.I remember the day I left work carrying it, a colleague who happened to step into the elevator with me said and asked, " Nice bag. Is that original?" Hmmm,.. it kinda caught me off guard, her question I mean...hmm how should I reply. Then I said, " Well, lets hope it better be...." and I politely smiled. You don't asked someone if you are carrying an original or not. It's an insult. Har Har Har!!!A year later I purchase another LV, a Top Handle also from the Signature monogram. I am most attracted to this design. I guess it really looks very classic and rustic. It cost me RM2600. The number of things I can stuff inside...phew! you name it.However, the following items once belonged to my late mom. They are so precious. Don't know whether she worn it but by the looks of it, they are still untouched. Probably she never had the opportunity to carry it. I am happy that I've found it when I was organizing her closet during our house shifting several years back.So far, I have no plans yet to purchase any new bags. I am good with what I have. The temptation is always there but for now I have other priorities. My dream now is to own a Chanel piece. Bila la agaknya dapat satu?
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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