Such as unusual date.
Well, yesterday was report card day for both Shakira and Shakiel. My heart was beating as hard as Shiela E's drum beats in 'Glamorous Life'. Sometimes you cannot expect too much from the kids so I played cooled as a cucumber. I will accept whatever placement they achieve during the recent final term exam. After all they still have a longgggggg way to go. This year their father came along to give some moral support.
Upon our arrival, we headed directly to meet with Shakiel's class teacher. While we waited, Puan Anis asked Shakiel to collect his exam results. I took the thick sheets of paper and first thing I scanned through was his placement in class....YES! he done us proud. He came out 2nd in class! Obviously my husband and I were thrilled with his results which was really unexpected. His overall placing (from all year 1 classes-about 9 classes), is 11th. Which is not so bad. He will be placed in the best class in year 2 next year. Alhamdulillah.
First thing he said was, "Haaa...mummy janji nak belikan saya basikal kalau saya dapat no. 1 atau 2 atau 3 kan?". I smiled and told him yes, in due course, in due course.
Then we proceeded to Shakira's class and met with her class teacher, En. Shahrizal. Shakira collected her results and happy that she was placed 7th the class of 32 students. I listen to En. Sharizal's comment when he explained Shakira's weaknesses in Bahasa Malaysia. Bahasa Malaysia is such an important subject and it carries 2 Aces in the Year 6 UPSR exam. In the recent final exam Shakira scored a 100% for BM Paper 2 whereas 63% for Paper 2. Though not in top 3, I am glad she was able to maintain her performance at every final exams. 2009 and 2010 she scored 6th. Wayyyyy much better than what I had ever achieved when I was in school.
All of this made me think, frankly speaking, I wasn't a bright student. Neither dumb. But after my mom passed away, no one actually was there to guide me with my studies, no one put pressure on me and I took it all too cool...its all on my own initiative. Not that I blamed anyone for the unfortunate event, I realized I am on my own. However, I learned well, and I learned hard. I try to be there for the kids as much as I can when it comes to how important a parent contributions and support towards their children educational growth. So when I see my kids do well in school it is nothing comparable swallowing an ecstasy(pill). Well at least, that's how I imagine it feels.
Wednesday will be 'the' day when I witness the very first time my own child receiving an award for his educational achievement. My parents never had that opportunity before so this is a proud moment for me. Just an advise to Shakiel, don't think that just because you got 2nd in your final exam, you feel satisfied. You now need to work even harder because there are 36 other students who are as smart, or even smarter than you, joining you in Year 2 next year.
My babies, Mummy will always pray for your success.
And on Wednesday, I will be smiling all the way and I know, I will be all teary eyes....
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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