Yup, I was in Bandung again. It was my third trip in less than 16 months. This round is a family affair.
My initial holiday trip to Universal Studios in Singapore was put on hold. Negative feedback from my sister and bro-in-law. And mom said she won't join if we were going to Singapore. After much discussion, Jakarta and Bandung came up. So on Hari Raya Haji all 9 of us, boarded Air Asia. Destination, Bandung.
Considering I can shop and spend more in Bandung, (RM362 = RUPIAH 1 million), what the heck. Ticket FOC and I only need to fork out for accommodation and ground transportation. Fair enough.
We arrived Bandung almost 8pm local time. After immigration and customs checks, we were swift off to a Sundanese Restaurant. I couldn't remember the name of the restaurant. It was raining, wet and my stomach was playing the tambourine. After dinner (main menu was Ikan Gureme bakar with saus manis) we were on our way to Hotel Nalendra.
Can't complaint much about the hotel so I kept my mouth shut. Which I did most during this trip. I wasn't myself. I guess my heart was somewhere else.
Next morning after breakfast, we headed up to Tangkuban Perahu which is about 30km north of Bandung. It is huge volcanic crater. The last time it erupted was in 1983 and now a popular tourist attraction. Tourist can hike or ride to the edge of the crater to view the boiling mud up close. However it still produces sulfur where you can see smoke like coming out from the crater. The smell of sulfur, yucks, macam orang lepas kentut. What I couldn't stand was being harassed by vendors selling souvenirs. Got to admire their patience and persistence though, since they will follow you every where you go. Unfortunately, nothing interesting to buy.
We headed to the Sari Ater Hot Springs. Upon reaching the first pool of hot spring, every one had their legs in. I didn't. Locals enjoyed themselves dipping and swimming in a larger hot spring pool. Tikar dibentang merata-rata for picnics or untuk melepak. Ada yg tidur and ada yang makan.
After the Hot Spring we stopped for lunch at Sindang Reret. Its another Sundanese Restaurant. Food was good.
Rumah Mode is a must when you are in Bandung. It has good selection of clothes for all generations. The guys and kids left early so that they can go swimming at the hotel pool. I purchased 2 bags full of kids t-shirts and jeans. Dah penat shopping we headed to one of the many cafes located in the premise. I headed directly to the Batagor stall and ordered one for dine in and another to take away.
That night we went to Paris Van Java Mall in search for dinner. We found Domino's Pizza and ended the night with window shopping. I like this mall but the rest looked like they didn't enjoyed it. Perhaps everyone was tired.
Next morning, we split in to two groups. Sheri and mom will head over to Pasar Baru for more shopping and the guys and kids plus myself will explore Trans Studio.
TranStudio is an indoor theme park which quite similar to Berjaya Times Square. Entrance cost RUP160000 per person. You can pay an additional RUP40000 to get the VIP Pass. Once you are in the theme park you need to top up the entrance card to purchase food and souvenirs. No cash can be used. The kids had a hell of a time, in fact they went several times on Jelajah, Dragon Riders and Transcar.
Lower ground entrance.
Vertigo ride.
Giant Swing ride.
Shakira found fairies fluttering around at Magic Corner.
Jelajah ride.
Dragon Riders.
I think we're lost!
(Sorryla the quality of pictures tak bagus, only took them using our mobile phone.)
My mom and Sheri caught up with us after their day at Pasar Baru. I know my sister and mom surely wondered why I didn't join them to Pasar Baru. Well, I've been there twice before and I know what it's like. Sheri should know. She's been there too. It's busy, crowded, hot, stuffy and your back hurt from all the walking. I know. I've done it. Not to mention the bags in both hands. I was adventurous the both times at Pasar Baru. Surveyed each shops and floors. Hoping to get good deals on telekung, ready made clothes and kain ela. It is tiring, really tiring. But now, I am smart...hehehe...the next morning hubby and myself headed to Pasar Baru. I know what I want to buy, targeted one or two outlet and shopped. I attacked D'Fashion outlet and purchase all of my kain ela there. It is easy to recognized their outlet,...they have TV screen on the floor! The most I spent was 2 hours and then we left. That was it.
Anyway, getting back to the food court, right outside the park and all of us had a late lunch. By then I was not feeling well and had a temperature. I dozed off for a short nap while the rest were eating. Woke up and swallowed 2 aspirin. They all decided to walk around the mall adjescent to the Theme Park. So I decided to catch up with them a bit later. Felt slight better and walked in Metro. I found several pants for Shakiel. At that point, I notice I was sweating and feel like myself again. Agaknya sebab I tak shopping kot ari tu sebab tu demam. Kah Kah Kah.
That night we went to Kartika Sari for dinner. Kartika Sari is a famous bakery in Bandung. The first trip to Bandung I was informed that many Malaysians will buy brownies and cakes from here to bring back home. Hmmm, so none of the cakes actually caught my interest. But I bought one as a gift to my neighbor. Mana tahu, hope they will enjoy it. Dinner was good, in fact Sheri acknowledged it was a brilliant idea to dine there. By the way, it was my idea, you know....
The fourth day we again split into 2 groups. Hubby and myself went to Pasar Baru and the rest explored the factory outlets like Heritage, Cascade, Rumah Tas etc...After we succeed locating a shop which sells songkok, all of us meet up again at Kartika Sari for lunch. Then we headed back to the hotel. Again I did not want to joined my mom and Sheri to the Spa for a massage. No, I just wanna lay in bed and watch the TV.
That night we went to Cihampelas Mall and had Wendy's for dinner. A little window shopping and soon it was time to go back to the hotel.
The final day, we manage to do a little more shopping along Dago Street. We headed again to Kartika Sari to purchase cookies to bring back home. By noon we checked out of the hotel and headed to a Nasi Padang restaurant.
We arrived at the airport and waited to board the plane. By 8pm we were already home.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago