This morning, as any other Saturdays, is the busiest day in my calendar week.
1)Send Shakiel to his soccer practice.
2)Breakfast with Shakira and then drop her off at Kumon.
3)Rush to soccer practice and moral support for Shakiel. 10 am rush back home. He has to get ready for Kumon. Last arrival by 10.20 am.
Rush, rush, rush....
4)Breakfast for Shakiel. Timing is important here...Usually I will drop off Shakiel about the right time when Shakira finishes her lesson. But lately Shakira has been taking more time completing her class work.
5)After the switched, I will steal whatever time I have before its time to pick up Shakiel from Kumon, to finish laundry or a little bit of cleaning around the house.
6)The call from Shakiel comes around 12 pm and just about the right time for lunch. We would normally have chicken rice at noon.
7)Then the kids will have their leisure time until 3 pm when they will have piano lessons.
8)By 4:30 pm – All done. I will take my shower for the day and short nap....hehehehe.....
While I was waiting for Shakiel at First Kick his soccer practice this morning, I was thinking about my dad who was an all rounder school athlete. I know I kept one piece of paper cutting of dad. Searched hi and low for it but I do not seem to locate it. It was a classic photo shot of dad executing his hop, skip and jump (later it was renamed to triple jump). If I could recalled it was during an Inter Police Sports event.
I was also made known long ago by an ex-Andersonian (it was in 1983) that at the time my dad still holds the school record for hop, skip and jump. His name was engraved on a plaque at the school hallway. Yeah, my dad entered Anderson School, Ipoh because of his athletics background. From pictures I've seen, so many of them, seems that his life then revolves around sports. Rugby, soccer, hockey, athletics, just to name a few.
However as dad's children, neither my sister and I were much of an athlete except participated in school sports. I like long jump and sprinting events. I did represent my primary school once in relay events. It was a good exposure. But they say, some things skip one generation. How true it is,....only God knows.
Dad now has 3 grandsons and a granddaughter. I do not see Shakira as the athletic who will carry on Abah's legacy? I am proud of my dad's achievements and I do hope one of his grandsons will be able to upheld Abah's sports credentials.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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