If you recollect from my previous blog entries, I wrote about Betty, the stray dog that sleeps daily in front of my house.
We wondered what's her story about. She never failed coming home and make herself comfy in front of our gate.
Anyway, our neighbor, Uncle Jeffrey, has a muscular dog whose real name is Choy. But we named him Steven anyway after Aerosmith's Steven Tyler since he has such a wide mouth as though he was smiling all the time. Steven would barked at any stranger who passes by and somehow rather we feel save by his presence next door.
Unfortunately, last Friday Steven has moved on to eternal life after a short illness. "He died due to old age", according to Uncle Jeffrey. I am sure his daughter was devastated by the lost. She was quite close and she was the only person Steven would oblige.
I remembered one night we came home and saw Uncle Jeffrey, his wife and 2 older kids were standing outside their gate, peering inside.
My hubby asked, "Apa hal uncle?"
Uncle Jeffrey, "Ta dak, tunngu saya punya anak kasi anjing makan. Nanti kasi ikat. Baru boleh masuk. Banyak garang."
Hahaha.... dgn anjing sendiri pun takut. Both of us giggled....
But Steven was fierce. He will be tied up during they day and freed at nights. Uncle Jeffrey was afraid if the dog would bite my kids. The dog has bitten him a couple of times. That was very thoughtful of him. Steven was playful with my kids...whenever he saw my kids, he stood up and started jumping. Barking softly macam nak ajak main. Never failed.
But, 2 days prior to Steven's death, Betty never showed up at her usual spot. I kept a look out for her on and off.....but she never came back.
Where did she go?
Did she die too?
Finally, my hubby concluded that Betty was only around because of Steven all these years and as though she knew that Steven was going to die. And she left. That was the sign.
So Betty wherever you are, take care.
Steven, we missed your barking.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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