Ayah did not want to join as he may have his own reasons. He can play the guitar.
It is not that I want the kids to be musically genius but to give them some exposure and freedom to express. It is how I feel. In order for me educate my kids to be competitive, your good self enrolled as well. That would be a huge challenge for me. My goal is to sit for a Grade 1 Exam before next March. I truly hope this will give a healthy competition among us, not to be the best but the better among the rest.
I cheated with my theory but work hard with my practical. Habis lenjan piano si Zarif (my sister's son who is 7 and taking lessons). Shakira works hard and excitedly completes all her theory homework. While Shakiel.....what can I say, Shakiel just being like any other 5 year old kid.
Getting a piano is not that easy. So many things to consider. Age. Brand. And most of all Cost. 2nd hand of that is of course. An upright piano may cost in the range of RM2,500 to RM30,000. And if you prefer a grand piano....that'll be ..mmmmm...kira sendirila.
Act 1
Short conversation at the music store.
The visit to Cristofori Music Store was very educating. They are well known for their expertise in restoring and maintaining pianos. Alice explained about pianos and I was very impressed. She showed several piano which are within my budget. Also explained the 12 months free interest installments we can make if we become a CIMB credit card holder. I want to think about it. The deal was good. Free delivery. 5 years warranty. A Steinreich. 5 years old bulky machine. RM3,800.00 Wow! 3800 divide 12 months installment emmmmm a wooping RM317 a month.
Alice : This is a good piano for children who wants to start, no need to upgrade can last a long time. If you buy the other one I showed you, that one you have to upgrade when the kids reaches higher grades in piano. This one is suitable for your children.
Me : Emm But I don't know if they are serious about this. This is a big investment. Spend so much money and then the piano becomes a white elephant. Become suitable place to decorate picture stands. (Laugh....hahha)
Alice : (Laugh...aahhaa) No La.
Me : Let me think about it because I am also looking other types like digital piano. My sister has it for her son. Looks and plays just like a real piano.
Alice : I see but you must understand the sounds are different and the feel or touch also different. We also sell many electronic piano. Which one? Yamaha? Parts later very difficult to get.
Me : I see. OK. Let me think about it. A day or two. Then I'll get in touch of you.
Alice : OK. But we cannot guarantee that this piano will be here by then. We have people who came back but having known the piano is sold.
Me : Thanks. I will let you know if I decide to buy.
Act 2
I saw Mei Yee and excitedly said that I'm in the process of investing on a piano.
Me : I have been looking a round and my decision has come down to these two piano. It's an upright piano and a digital piano.
Mei Yee : I see. How old is the piano? Sometimes too old is not that good.
Me : I know but i do not planned to invest too much.
Mei Yee : Why I asked that is because sometimes piano as 20-30 years old have a soul. We don't know how attached the previous person who owned it. That is why at night if you hear the piano playing by itself that means the soul of the previous owner followed. Just like when you watched the tv movies. It's real.
Me : Wow! You're scarring me. Are you serious? No the piano we saw was 5 year old.
Mei Yee : Yes, really. If 5 years than ok. I don't recommend you buy too old piano.
Me : OK.
Act 3
After finding out the exact unit (of my sister's) was no longer available We finally decided on a digital piano which is RM800 less then the upright piano at Cristofori's. The unit is a CASIO Privia px-120. It should be good for us beginners.
The End.
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