Tuesday 28 April 2009
Abah started his physiotherapy.
Around 12:30 pm my sis gave a called saying abah was admitted for difficulty with breathing. What should I do? Should I just drop everything and dash off to the hospital? Should I miss my English Language training? Should I wait and see if his development gets serious than only I go HUKM? What happen if I was late? Should I this, should I that....and the most stupid question a daughter could asked....I never thought it could come out of my mouth...I asked my sister, Sheri do you think I should come now?!?
What kind of daughter am I? I am so disgusted with myself whenever I think that those words actually came out of my mouth. Why can I just said, OK Sheri, I'll be right over! At that time, I don't know what to decide.
When I arrived at HUKM, we were informed that Abah had refused all treatment. One by one, mom then Sheri and finally me tried to persuade Abah to be on the nuberlizer. I am like the secret weapon. Everytime Abah does not want to listen, Sheri will call me in. Usually Abah will cooperate whenever I pujuk but that day only after 15 minutes he gave up all treatment. He wants to go back.
Finally he was placed in the Oncology Ward amongst other cancer patients. I stayed until late afternoon and Sheri will return back to HUKM bringing along mom and dad's things.
Wednesday 29 April 2009
After sending off the kids to school I picked up breakfast for mom and drove straight to HUKM. Sheri arrived much later and we get to meet Dr. Azrif who is Abah Oncology Specialist. After examining and reviewing my dad's case, he said,
1) Abah has bladder infection which is under controlled.
2) He also has lungs infection due to too much flam. He will be given antibiotics. But sooner or later the antibiotics will do no good to him. Then a stronger antibiotic is recommended until when it is no longer working for Abah.
3) Abah's condition is considered critical as his lymph node is compressing his throat passageway. Making it difficult for him to eat or drink. Abah refused tubing. Several attempt the nurses inserted tube though his nose, Abah would just pull it out.
4) He is semi conscious of his surrounding.
The oncology ward is a common ward but we manage to get an isolation room for Abah with Dr. Azrif's help. We like the nurses at the ward as they know what they are doing. Before the shift, the surroundings were just depressing. Abah has suffered enough. I want him to feel as comfortable as possible.
As for me, I don't know how I am feeling. I wanna share them but just don't quite able to let it all out.
Thursday 30 April 2009
Did not go to visit Abah today. Sad about it but today's priority is work. Sheri told me Abah wanted to eat ice-cream. Meleleh air-mata I dengar....
He is much better and want to eat. He ate the porridge sheri cooked.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago