Deciding on the food was easy as I really enjoy organizing parties. Menu was simple as the high-tea occasion will be from 3pm till 6pm.
Roti Jala with Curry Chicken
Mee Goreng
Bee Hoon Goreng
Beef Soup with French Bread
Curry Puff
Poh Pia Goreng
Chicken & Vegetarian Mini Pies
Birthday Cake
Drinks – Punch, teh tarik and black coffee
Everything went as scheduled from the beginning. The flowers arrived on time as well as the food.
At 3 pm my mother-in-law started the doa selamat with bacaan surah Yassin with a few of her friends and my mom later joined. Mak Ampang (mother-in-law) brought along sambal tumis sotong, pajeri nenas and kuah durian (which went well with my roti jala). So she requested to cook some rice as the elderly ladies prefer to eat rice.
Neighbours started to arrive. Then followed by other relative mostly from my hubby’s side of the family. Thank you to my parents who drove down from Perak to support me during this time.
Unfortunately when all things planned well mesti ada something yang tak kena. The birthday girl has chicken pox! Although we have informed relatives about her conditioned, a few still came with their children. Thank you.
Shakira with her Princess Jasmine's birthday cake.
Shakira’s chicken pox does not limit her hyper activity. As usual she was running around asking if she can open up her presents. The thrill on her face when she saw a few Barbie’s she received, the pink dress her father bought her, plus a few other stationery items. Thanks to all.
Food was abundance. My sister came with fruit jelly. My sister-in-law, Akak, came with a whole cake from Secret Recipe, Emma came with a pumpkin/coconut pie, Kak Cik came with 2 loaf of banana cake! Oh by the way we got a toaster and a table lamp for our house warming.
Everyone left right before Maghrib. As our token of appreciation all guests were distributed with a box of chocolate moist cup cakes neatly tied with a ribbon.
Overall it was a success and Insya Allah next time will be a BBQ session pulak. I missed those lamb chops….eemmmm.
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