This morning my hubby walked to the LRT station from our house. Marah sangat dengan I la tu sampai sanggup berjalan kaki.
This is how it all started.
We are in the midst of shifting to our new (oh well not so new…) house in Puchong. It’s in a residential area with more greeneries compare to where we are currently staying in PJ. Like my dad said, “Sec 14 is not conducive anymore for my grand children to grow!”
Several years back we (my hubby and I) surveyed around for our first house. With our limited budget we have taken all aspects into consideration when we purchased our dream house in Puchong. Built up of the house is small but it has a spacious land for future renovations. We have no intention of moving in until much later.
The Section 14 house is my dad’s even though he no longer reside there since his retirement in 1994. So I have been maintaining the house until I got married….then my hubby moved in….and later had 2 kids plus a domestic helper.
I know somehow, one day, my dad will want to sell his Section 14 house and that ‘one day” finally arrived.
Ever since my father voiced out his intention to sell his Sec 14 house, both my hubby and myself felt the pressure to do something about our Puchong house. I kept convincing myself the move will do good and it’s like making a fresh start in life. I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.
So, since November 2006 we have been going back and forth to Puchong every weekend to start work on ‘our house’. I am truly grateful to my father-in-law who willingly helped us out with all renovation works. I salute my 68 year old father-in-law whom without his energy and strength the house will never be ready today. His craftsmanship impresses all of us.
I did a lot of interior painting and the cooking of course! I worked hard. We worked hard; all of us work hard to make ’our house’ a paradise. Finally, we set a date for the shift-December 15, 2007!
Coming back to the sulking issue right in the beginning of my opening……
Yesterday my hubby called and due to this weekend house shift I reminded him to clear some old T-shirts which occupied our chest drawer (all 5 drawers!!). I guess no longer ours….it’s his now. In fact I told him his working attire (kemeja and slack) dah occupy ¾ of our new closet in Puchong. Mana nak store baju-baju yang lain?
He got very offended and said, ”For God’s sake tak kan you nak I get rid of my working clothes?”
If he insists on keeping all his T-shirts….so be it. What upsets me the most was when he said, “Hello? By the way, siapa yang bayar for the new closet?” I cried. He said it’s such a waste kalau buang baju which I did not asked him to do so in the first place. He could give it away to the needy. Just untuk sakitkan hati dia…I answered that I’ll be throwing all of my old baju kurung when he asked me what I am going to do with them. We hung up.
After that we sms each other expressing our dissatisfaction towards each other’s attitude.
I rasa macam diri I ni menumpang pulak…..but…its not a surprise coming from him. I am very disappointed by his actions. I am his wife bukannya orang lain. Sampai hati dia cakap macam tu pada I. I rasa as an adult kita kena fikir dulu sebelum cakap……inilah akibatnya……sebab mulut badan binasa. I should be extra careful with the words I select whenever starting a conversation with him. Otherwise, memakan diri I sendiri!
In my humble opinion (if it really matters to him), he jumped to conclusion with my remarks about the closet full with his clothes.
Well it ended that way…..
………………..and I didn’t see him until this morning (he came back late last night).
On normal mornings, I would drop him off close to the LRT station but this morning he decided to walk………..
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago
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