Last Saturday we went back to my hometown in
Parit, Perak. We told the kids it’s ‘
Paris’ not that we are embarrassed by the name
Parit, but people seems don’t know where the hell is
Parit. They know where Batu Gajah, or Bota or Seri Iskandar but not
Parit is right in the middle between these towns. They would either give a blank face (Huh,
Parit???) or a grin. Before highway existed, travelers will definitely pass through
Parit to go to Lumut/Teluk Batik…. I still get people who made fun of that name (Parit = Longkang) but it’s better than Batang Berjuntai, right? (…that is if you have a dirty mind).
Anyway the journey was a breeze as usual. Thanks kutuk…..though I don’t quite approved of your 150kmp driving!!!! Don’t think I didn’t see it!
We reached Batu Gajah and we passed this familiar row of shop houses (on the right hand side slightly after the busiest traffic light in Batu Gajah….i think that could be the only traffic light in Batu Gajah. Sorry kalau I salah.)where Chicken King is located. Chicken King ni macam KFC jugak tapi ada kelainan tersendiri. My hubby and I were quite surprised to see Chicken King dah tutup. Not that it is very important, or anything like….i’m dead without Chicken King’s chicken but that place will always have a place in our heart.
Each and every time balik kampong, we will passed Chicken King and my hubby will always pass the same remark,
Hubby said, “Chicken King……” in a mono tone voice and he smiles.
I replied, “ump….” And look at him. Deep down we both knew what we were thinking off.
Frankly speaking I never heard of Chicken King before until that of August 24, 2002. My confinement period ended a few days before and today my hubby came back to Parit. What other better way to spend our time together, alone, cruising and just let where our wheels takes us. When we arrived in Batu Gajah (about 20 minutes drive from Parit), and just right after Batu Gajah Golf Club, we decided to stop somewhere to eat. That’s when we saw Chicken King. Initially, I was torn between KFC and Chicken King (they are next door to each other).
Hubby said, “Jom try Chicken King! “ (excited)
I said, “Ye ke? Tak pernah dengar pun before this. Sedapke?” (a bit hesitant…imagining the taste to KFC already in my mouth)
Hubby said, “Jom kita try je……”
I said “ok la”
There were not many people. I couldn’t care less of the ambience. Just want to spend time with my hubby. So we ate and talk and ate and talk of course about our new adorable baby girl, Shakira…..and talk about how I crave for cigarettes after almost fasting from it for about a year! (a month before planning to get pregnant, plus 41 weeks of pregnancy period, plus 44 days of confinement days).
Time passed and we enjoyed the quality time we spent there that day. Hubby was happy (with his food) and I was happy with my cigarette (later outside). It’s a win-win situation.
So that is the reason when Chicken King closed down in Batu Gajah we were a bit disappointed. We’re not quite sure why they closed down. Could be due to stiff competition or losing its popularity or for all we know they might have shifted to another bigger location! Orang Batu Gajah…….any idea?
The feeling tu macam, how ex-Malaysian students felt dearly when they heard that Malaysian Hall in London closed its doors a few years back. To me macam tu lah I rasa bila nampak Chicken King Batu Gajah dah tutup.
I foresee whenever we will pass the vacant lot of Chicken King, cerita Chicken King tutup will definitely come out and both of us will smile and recall that day we once
dated there! Thank you Chicken King!