My children are lucky. They have a mother who adores them and have all of their interest planned, so to say. Why is it planned? Well personally I want to develop their skills and expose hidden talents within. Sometimes it may not be within their scope of interest but as a parent, I know what I am doing. Bukan senang nak jadi parent. Bukan setakat beranak and menyusu. How you mold them is who they will become. Insya Allah.
Ini bukan tips untuk menjadi a perfect parent but how I tackle the issue of parenting my way. I am providing them the best of both world so to say, dunia dan akhirat. How I was raised and grew up were 100% totally the opposite.
Here, I am sitting by the pool watching my children and nephews learning to swim. I did not get the opportunity of that luxury. Forking out RM130 for 10 hours of lesson each child (RM260) is reasonable considering there are other places which charged RM180. I assume when I was growing up, this extra curricular activity were not a priority and might have been expensive.
The kids schedule are so packed at times and I find it a problem rescheduling their activities when a sudden disruption.
Both Shakira and Shakiel attends:
1)Mengaji is a must - 4 times a week.
2)KUMON - twice a week. They do Maths and English there. This is to enhance their English and Mathematical skills.3)Piano – once a week. I want them to be musically incline so they have something they can fall back on, in case they don't do well academically. Learning piano also will help develop individual discipline.
4)Soccer – once a week for Shakiel only. I want him to have fun, mixed among other boys outside of his school boundary and be a better soccer player. Here he can learn some soccer skills. Not expecting him to become the next Christiano Ronaldo, but if it became a reality, it's a bonus. Hahaha dream on. Every Saturday waking him up for soccer practice memang buat I hilang my patience. Torturess adventure, may I add. Menangis tak nak pergi, baju tak selesa la but bila dah abis practice, suka bercerita how he performed.
5)Swimming – To learn the skill of survival, confidence and the best form of physical exercise. Frankly, if setakat swimming under water and floating tu boleh la. So I do not want the kids to become another me, I want the kids to be a good swimmer because you are able to enjoy so many things about the under water world. Swimming pun create self discipline.
Shakira has always been afraid of water and prior to this she would only play at the shallow side of the pool. Now I can see that she has the confidence to go explore beyond 5 feet deep. As a warm up, Faizal, the UITM student instructor would make them swim (soft board under the chest) 20 laps across the pool and yelled, “BEND, OPEN, CLOSE” on and on.
Shakira studied ballet when she was 3 year old but after one and a half years we withdrew her from Federal Academy of Ballet. Firstly, because she would always cry if she doesn't get the instructor's, Ms Tong, attention. And secondly, we were in the midst of shifting to Puchong. It would be a drag to commute every Saturday to Sec. 14, PJ for a 45 minutes ballet lesson. I still keep her ballet slippers as momento,...those tiny feet....hmmm so cute.
I would have continued with her ballet should she were really interested in it but she lost concentration and likes to do things her way in class. So there was no point in continuing.
I am not bullying my children. I always discussed with them if they are interested in such activity. Their opinion counts, too. But final decision rests in the parents, muahahhahhaaa. Semuanya untuk kebaikan bersama.
When I was growing up, I wanted to try so many things. But things were short lived. I lost my mom. My dad was busy with his work. I lived with my grandparents in, I wonder what would I have been IF, mom were still alive?
Alhamdulillah rezeki sekarang membolehkan I give the ALL extrasss to my children. I hope one day they will understand why I do what I do..............I love you all babies.
Kjee selalu makan Bakso di gerai Suwarno Kpg Baru yang juga femes
kerana Mi Jawa. Entahlah bagi Kjee, Bakso di Suwarno 'the best in town'.
6 months ago