Yong has always been the best student in SRKIS. In fact she was the first student who scored 5A's in the school's Peperiksaan Penilaian Darjah 5. Now it is called UPSR. Having both parents as teachers, she was gifted. She had it in her and seems doesn't need to study but yet scored high marks in class. Always came out first in class and she got an offer to continue with her studies at STF in Johor Bahru soon after standard six. Nothing known about her but on and off I used to see her returned to Parit during her semester's break. She would ride her bicycle past in front of my grandfather's house without acknowledging my presence. The next thing I heard her parent moved to Ipoh and we never see each other again.

I read her blog, MrsNordin, in cases anyone is interested,....she could recall a few of our finest moment back then. How we collected paper and magazine cuttings of Hollywood stars such as Farrah Fawcett, Lee Majors and of course the Charlie's Angels and stick it in our scrap book. She also mentioned that the three of us, her, nani and myself use to ride our bicycles around the kampung and declared ourselves as the Charlie's Angels. Frankly speaking I cannot even remember that part of my history. But being chased by guys on bikes...yes I can second that. By the way Yong...who were the guys chasing after us????
We also went mengaji dekat rumah wan Nipah which is next to my gramp's house. She was also good at mengaji. Wan selalu biar je dia baca Al-Quran sampai 3-4 helai sehari whereas yours truly cuma baca 1-2 helai. Her brothers Azman and Shariman, my sister sheri also attended Wan Nipah's classes.
Now Yong who is married and has 3 stepchildren and one of her own is working with Celcom.
Anyway, Masa sekolah dulu kita orang girls and boys tak de lah rapat sangat. We maintain good relationship je...maklumlah sekolah kampung kan. To reflect on the school days...the girls wore pinafore to school and we wore shorts during PE. Baju kurung selalunya pakai hari Jumaat je. The boys wore shorts to school and yes, even when they were at standard six.
But now my daughter who is in Standard 2 get paranoid kalau I suruh dia pakai pinafore untuk ke sekolah. Dia kata budak ejek dia anak india la...and macam-macam. SO this year she stopped wearing pinafore. Kesian dia. How sometimes other kids can be cruel towards another.
Nizar pulak...I was not very closed with him. Kami cuma kawan biasa je...dalam kelas je and kat luar pun kalau jumpa buat tak tahu. Dulu kat kampung, we were mostly known as anak si...so and so...or cucu si...so and so...SO I am mostly known as cucu Cikgu Basho...gurubesar yang garang...who used to spit into another student's mouth. And yet respected. Hmmm takut I dengar...now people would say..kurang ajar...but that was long long ago. Sure dapat high blood pressure kalau dapat Cikgu Basho jadi class teacher.
So Nizar ni pun memang pandai. In our class he and Yong would always compete 1-2 placing in our term exams. Now Nizar is pursuing his MA fulltime at UKM. He is into Geology. These days Nizar is the easiest of the guys to mingle. Very friendly and funny. Without him our first reunion last raya would have not happened.

Ishamuddin will always be remembered as the drummer boy. Hihihi....Kat sekolah SRKIS our school band tu bolehlah dikatakan yg terbaik...hihihi one drum, 2-3 small triangles, and the rest of us on recorders. Later we added the xylophone. Isham was very suitable with the drum and he played well. We were good tau.
There were stories going around that both Yong and Isham were an item masa standard six. Cikgu Joharah, our class teacher and who happens to be Yong's mother caught some love notes between them. Isham was called and given warning. Kesian Isham.
Now Isham is working with Datuk Hishamuddin Tun Hussin.
T be continued....