
Friday, October 31, 2008

Shakira oh Shakira done mummy proud again!

Deep down a mother's sacrifice is the greatest of all in this whole....

Shakira sat for the KUMON English AI Achievement Test today and she did it in 9 minutes out of 15 minutes and she was graded at the level of a Primary 3. I had to shared this with someone and who else can I think off other than my hubby....I text to inform him of Shakira's achievements and he replied..

"Wow baru btol anak mat saleh its all due 2her hard work, am proud of her, but ultimately its due 2YOUR hardwork b proud of urself kutuk, u deserved every little sweet drop of its credit i am proud with d both of u".

What can I say.....alhamdulillah ke hadrat Illahi. Murahkanlah rezeki kami sekeluarga.

New Baby Home

It's been a while since I actually sit in front of this PC to pour out things that have happened in the last few months.

Yes, finally I brought my new baby home. After 4 months of agonizing wait it finally arrived and I enjoyed every minute handling her.

Here is what I mean. My new baby.....Livina.

We spent quite a bit on 2 waxing /sealant / polishing session, window and screen tint, window visor, change the sound of the horn, floor mat and more to come. The kids sure enjoyed it and they get more space and room to sleep at the back. We are not that concern about the baggage space as we seldom travel outstation. Space and comfort is our concern.

A lot of factors were taken into account why we decided to purchase a Livina.

One is the comfort and space. Practical for a small family.
Two is the cost which is affordable.
Three the road tax is RM90 annually for this 1.6 when considering its an MPV.
Four very slick looking.
Five....I LUV IT.

She is pretty smooth and easy to drive. I manage to acquire the same registration number with our Satria. It took me a while to handle the automatic transmission but as they say, "Once you drive an auto you'll never want to drive a manual car". To those people who said are damned right!

Selamat Hari Raya & Happy Deepavali.


I would like to wish all readers selamat hari raya and happy deepavali. May this celebration brings us all together. United we stand!