Shakiel with Nemo
Kids at the souvenir shop
Shakira infront of a shark's jaw
I manage to download these photo's of Shakira and Shakiel during their trip to Aquaria KLCC from my mobile.
In the Eyes of the Beholder
Welcome back.....I start off with this lyrics popularized by Once of Dewa 19. Frankly speaking this guy has a marvelous voice. His tones fit in well each an every song he sings. I rasa tak ada Ahmad Dhani pun tak pa. Aiy! my son pun boleh nyanyi lagu ni...dia tu mat sentimental sikit. Bila i nyanyi lagu ni....meleleh air mata dia.
Aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah dalam tidur mu
aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yang mungkin bisa kau rindu
kerana langkah merapuh tanpa diri mu
Oh kerana hati telah letih
aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yg selalu bisa kau sentuh
aku ingin kau tahu bahawa ku selalu memujamu
tanpa mu sepinya waktu merantai hati
oh bayangmu seakan-akan
kau seperti nyanyian dalam hatiku
yang memanggil rindu ku pada mu
seperti udara yang ku hela
kau selalu ada
hanya dirimu yang bisa membuat ku tenang
tanpa diri mu aku merasa hilang
dan sepi
dan sepi.............
Why I selected this topic is of no specific reason...I was free the whole day today at work! Supposed to work on business process but I just don't feel like doing anything except replied a few mails, go to my facebook and then what the heck....up date my blog.
Dari pagi until petang ni mengadap pc and stuck my earphones on listening to songs downloaded in my mobile. Makan pun lupa. Oh by the way I have shifted work station and i luv my new 'SIBERIA". Nanti bila dah download i will paste it here. Away from people, boleh balas e-mail and pretend to concentrate buat kerja kononnya...when the fact is...surfing!!!!!!Yahoo.
Bila dengar lagu I will be in another world. Kepala goyang2 dan Chelvi sitting next to me..maybe ingat pompuan ni dah ilang akal agaknya. Tersengguk-sengguk. Bukan apa tengah update blog la ni. Dari pagi dah 4 cawan kopi i minum rasa kembung perut pulak. Kejap2 pergi toilet...urgh!
OK lets keep on track. Indonesian artists are well respected in our local music industry. They produced quality lyrics as well as melodies. Some write, composed and produced their own music. (I do not wish to touch or make comparisons to our local music industry) In recent years their music and artist has flown across to Malaysia macam cendawan tumbuh lepas hujan for promotional tours. It is encouraging and I attribute it to their diversity in music.
Ini semua adalah pendapat i sendiri sebab i tengok my children pun tahu which group/artist sings what song. In a way I pun belajar dari dia orang....So, I would go....
"siapa nyanyi ni adik?" Dewa ke? (My son will turn 4 this month)
"Mummy ni Letto la, apa la mummy ni. Letto pun tak tahu ke?"
"Oh mummy kenal lotter of AF not Letto."
"Hah apa mummy cakap?"
So i cuma nak analyzed (again my own interpretation ya...) why are they so popular. So here goes nothing....(not in any specific order)
1. Their lyrics are simple, straight to the point and similar to our Malay Language - so no language barrier.
2. Their melody is so unique and catchy - tak monotone
3. The artist - semua cun2. yang tak cun pun ………. Cun jugak la ...
4. The raw talent - have to take into consideration the total population of Indonesia. I guess it won't be difficult to discover a few talented artist.
5. Expose - frequently their songs are in multimedia be it radio and tv. Repetition after repetition develops. Then ears start to pick up the lyrics.
6. Creativity of their musicians is the key success
7. Variations in their songs
8. Improvisation
9. Progression
10. Lyrics - some would study the lyrics (like me….) manala tahu kot-kot ada tersangkut dgn perjalan hidup. So boleh feeling2 sikit. ALA you all jangan kelentongla.....sure you ada buat cam tu punya!