Hello hello hello. Finally got a new pc at home. Its time to familiarized with some of its function. This is how my new PC looks like.
Aspire L3600-272X
Key Features
-->Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium The Aspire L3600 opens up exciting new home entertainment options for superb value. At just one-tenth the size of a regular desktop, this small, yet potent uSFF PC can easily become the vibrant center of your digital home. Featuring Intel® Viiv™ technology1 for enhanced entertainment, along with the Intel® Core™2 Duo processor1 for top-of-the-line processing and the impressive Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 (Intel® GMA 3100), the Aspire L3600 is more than capable of handling contemporary digital entertainment. Listen to music, view photo albums, make home movies, watch DVDs, and more, all from one powerful and convenient source! -->
Space-economizing design o The Aspire L3600's "Power Enlightener" is an angled power key with a subdued blue LED, designed for easy recognition. o The stylish, glossy black finish brings panache to whichever room the Aspire L3600 occupies. o At one-tenth the size and one-fourth the weight of typical tower desktops, the Aspire L3600 is a space-liberating addition to any home. o Low power consumption prolongs component life and reduces long-term costs. o Near-silent operation is conducive to a relaxed living environment (26 dB — better than industry standards).
The children sure enjoy having a pc at home and should reduce their tv watching time....I hope.
Things have been pretty hectic these days. Since I started my new job a lot of training is required to familiarize with their new system as it will be use worldwide when we run live. Dari pagi sampai petang, training, training and more trainings. Dulu complain lack of training sekarang sampai nak termuntah pulak.
Things have been good these days. Praise to Allah. But sad to learn about Sufiah Yusof who unfortunately decide to explore the oldest profession in the world. Bukan pity but she is intelligent enough to decide of her future. Kita selalu harapkan anak2 kita membesar untuk jadi cerdik pandai...kalau boleh jadi genius. Tapi bila dah terlalu pandai macam ni pulak jadinya. Pressure to excel tu memang ada dalam semua orang especially parents yang dah berhabisan hantar anak sana sini belajar. Kita tak mahu mereka ketinggalan. As a parents personally I nak tengok anak2 I pandai and excel in what they do. Tapi tengokla budget pulak. Not everybody can afford extra education. Ada jugak parents yang tak hantar anak ke extra classes tapi pandai jugak! Entahla, maybe the expectation to compete is actually among the parents. But no doubt these days children experienced stiff competition to excel and the pressure is more on the parents, I think. Questions arise like,
Kenapa anak aku tak sepandai anak orang tu?
Kenapa anak aku malas?
Anak dia pandai. Pergi tuition, pergi music class, pergi sekolah agama.....Wow. How the the kid cope all?
And 1001 questions la.
Coming back to Sufiah, her mother claimed that she played along with her kids interest. Kalau ada yang minat membaca she teaches them to read and so forth. She said she never put any pressure on her kids. (Kalau kita agaknya terjerit2 and terpekik2 suruh anak2 buat homework.) I came across her side of the story from http://www.hyusof.com/ that she was the one who educated her children while her husband was in and out of prison due to morgage fraud. Since her children were way ahead of others at grammar schoold level, they find it bored and Halimaton decided to educate them at home. At the time she claimed there were no specific education system can accomodate to her children intelligence. They spent half and hour to an hour per day to do their school work. They play tennis as well. They grew up just like any other children and enjoy pop music a lot. I guess she wants to show that her children do have some balance in life.
Why she chose to become a prostitute,cuma dia sendiri yang tahu the real reason, but well she did mentioned yang she is been treated like a princess by her clients. I mean kalau pressure pun janganla sampai terjebak begitu sekali. Banyak lagi cara baik yang dia boleh buat. No doubt she’s got the body for the job but not the looks so much. I sendiri pun terpegun tengok bodynya yang cantik siut..........sexy. Meleleh jugakla. Tapi sincerely speaking she has to go back to her roots. Tapi who am I to jugde people I don’t even know.
Tapi how a genius is created only GOD knows. If you were born with that extra special capability is beyond our knowledge. But to 'produce' all five of your children geniuses.....I tak tahu nak cakap apa. Sungguh besar kurnian Tuhan kepada Halimaton. It is a very rare instance. Though her methods were not made clear I’m sure like to learn how she does it with lack of financial assistance.
I have a friend who sent her son to a Shichida Method school. Initial fee is RM2k and quaterly is RM1200.00. The purpose of this method is to utilize more of the right brain from a very young age. Masa baby in its mother’s womb is the best time to start to develop the kids mind. Sebab children bila dah umur 7-8 years old otak dia orang dah tak boleh di bentuk lagi. I read their book and just imagine budak umur 8 bulan dah boleh panggil “mama” . Ada pulak a kid who is satu setengah tahun sang to her mom a tune she heard in her mother’s womb. The lady claimed she never sang the tune eversince her daughter was born. When asked, the kid answered, “I heard my mom sang to me every night before she goes to sleep!” Isn’t it amazing?
A few tips for new parents melatih anak mereka menggunakan konsep otak kanan. You should know by now that otak kanan is more active in comparison to the left brain.
1) Ketika anak baru nak lelap, bisik di telinga dgn sepenuh hati yang kita sayangnya contoh, dia budak baik, dia anak soleh dan budak pandai.
2) Ajar dia flash card A-Z, insya Allah in a weeks’ time your kid is able to regconizes their alphabets and able to spell short words.
3) Encourage them to play with clay, water painting and paper design (origami perhaps). Eating with chopsticks is also a good hand activity untuk mengerakkan otak kanan.
4) Tell them a short story and allow them to continue. It doesn’t matter kalau cerita mereka merapu because its a technic to enhance the right brain activity.
5) Play riddles with them. Simpan sesuatu dalam kotak tisu dan minta anak teka whats inside. First you boleh bagi clue such as its color or shapes tapi lama kelamaan anak tu boleh
memgembangkan their six sense.
6) Cukup sekadar setengah jam utk buat latihan tadi kerana after the half an hour they will lose interest.
Insya Allah.
My daughter will turn 6 this July and according to her Kumon Center Principal, should she completes her current math syllabus by this June, she will be awarded a bronze medal for achieving Kumon International Standard. This means her current level is as good as a Primary one student. Isn’t it fantastic? All the sacrifice....time and money mostly, has materialized. I told her of the situation and somehow telling her she’ll receive a medal soon motivated her to do her homework. At times it worked for me.
Budak-budak sekarang ni lagi cerdik dari zaman kita dulu-dulu. Betul! My hubby tak bagi my son ( will turn 4 this May)makan KFC and he replied,”nanti Shakiel buang ayah ......”. His sentence was stopped after my hubby snapped back at him.
I berdoa dan berharap agar my children mendapat peluang sewajarnya dalam bidang yang mereka pilih di masa hadapan. We as parents will always be there for them and always there to guide but it is they themselves who make their future worth the while. Amin.
Adios amigos.
Things have been pretty hectic these days. Since I started my new job a lot of training is required to familiarize with their new system as it will be use worldwide when we run live. Dari pagi sampai petang, training, training and more trainings. Dulu complain lack of training sekarang sampai nak termuntah pulak.
Things have been good these days. Praise to Allah. But sad to learn about Sufiah Yusof who unfortunately decide to explore the oldest profession in the world. Bukan pity but she is intelligent enough to decide of her future. Kita selalu harapkan anak2 kita membesar untuk jadi cerdik pandai...kalau boleh jadi genius. Tapi bila dah terlalu pandai macam ni pulak jadinya. Pressure to excel tu memang ada dalam semua orang especially parents yang dah berhabisan hantar anak sana sini belajar. Kita tak mahu mereka ketinggalan. As a parents personally I nak tengok anak2 I pandai and excel in what they do. Tapi tengokla budget pulak. Not everybody can afford extra education. Ada jugak parents yang tak hantar anak ke extra classes tapi pandai jugak! Entahla, maybe the expectation to compete is actually among the parents. But no doubt these days children experienced stiff competition to excel and the pressure is more on the parents, I think. Questions arise like,
Kenapa anak aku tak sepandai anak orang tu?
Kenapa anak aku malas?
Anak dia pandai. Pergi tuition, pergi music class, pergi sekolah agama.....Wow. How the the kid cope all?
And 1001 questions la.
Coming back to Sufiah, her mother claimed that she played along with her kids interest. Kalau ada yang minat membaca she teaches them to read and so forth. She said she never put any pressure on her kids. (Kalau kita agaknya terjerit2 and terpekik2 suruh anak2 buat homework.) I came across her side of the story from http://www.hyusof.com/ that she was the one who educated her children while her husband was in and out of prison due to morgage fraud. Since her children were way ahead of others at grammar schoold level, they find it bored and Halimaton decided to educate them at home. At the time she claimed there were no specific education system can accomodate to her children intelligence. They spent half and hour to an hour per day to do their school work. They play tennis as well. They grew up just like any other children and enjoy pop music a lot. I guess she wants to show that her children do have some balance in life.
Why she chose to become a prostitute,cuma dia sendiri yang tahu the real reason, but well she did mentioned yang she is been treated like a princess by her clients. I mean kalau pressure pun janganla sampai terjebak begitu sekali. Banyak lagi cara baik yang dia boleh buat. No doubt she’s got the body for the job but not the looks so much. I sendiri pun terpegun tengok bodynya yang cantik siut..........sexy. Meleleh jugakla. Tapi sincerely speaking she has to go back to her roots. Tapi who am I to jugde people I don’t even know.
Tapi how a genius is created only GOD knows. If you were born with that extra special capability is beyond our knowledge. But to 'produce' all five of your children geniuses.....I tak tahu nak cakap apa. Sungguh besar kurnian Tuhan kepada Halimaton. It is a very rare instance. Though her methods were not made clear I’m sure like to learn how she does it with lack of financial assistance.
I have a friend who sent her son to a Shichida Method school. Initial fee is RM2k and quaterly is RM1200.00. The purpose of this method is to utilize more of the right brain from a very young age. Masa baby in its mother’s womb is the best time to start to develop the kids mind. Sebab children bila dah umur 7-8 years old otak dia orang dah tak boleh di bentuk lagi. I read their book and just imagine budak umur 8 bulan dah boleh panggil “mama” . Ada pulak a kid who is satu setengah tahun sang to her mom a tune she heard in her mother’s womb. The lady claimed she never sang the tune eversince her daughter was born. When asked, the kid answered, “I heard my mom sang to me every night before she goes to sleep!” Isn’t it amazing?
A few tips for new parents melatih anak mereka menggunakan konsep otak kanan. You should know by now that otak kanan is more active in comparison to the left brain.
1) Ketika anak baru nak lelap, bisik di telinga dgn sepenuh hati yang kita sayangnya contoh, dia budak baik, dia anak soleh dan budak pandai.
2) Ajar dia flash card A-Z, insya Allah in a weeks’ time your kid is able to regconizes their alphabets and able to spell short words.
3) Encourage them to play with clay, water painting and paper design (origami perhaps). Eating with chopsticks is also a good hand activity untuk mengerakkan otak kanan.
4) Tell them a short story and allow them to continue. It doesn’t matter kalau cerita mereka merapu because its a technic to enhance the right brain activity.
5) Play riddles with them. Simpan sesuatu dalam kotak tisu dan minta anak teka whats inside. First you boleh bagi clue such as its color or shapes tapi lama kelamaan anak tu boleh
memgembangkan their six sense.
6) Cukup sekadar setengah jam utk buat latihan tadi kerana after the half an hour they will lose interest.
Insya Allah.
My daughter will turn 6 this July and according to her Kumon Center Principal, should she completes her current math syllabus by this June, she will be awarded a bronze medal for achieving Kumon International Standard. This means her current level is as good as a Primary one student. Isn’t it fantastic? All the sacrifice....time and money mostly, has materialized. I told her of the situation and somehow telling her she’ll receive a medal soon motivated her to do her homework. At times it worked for me.
Budak-budak sekarang ni lagi cerdik dari zaman kita dulu-dulu. Betul! My hubby tak bagi my son ( will turn 4 this May)makan KFC and he replied,”nanti Shakiel buang ayah ......”. His sentence was stopped after my hubby snapped back at him.
I berdoa dan berharap agar my children mendapat peluang sewajarnya dalam bidang yang mereka pilih di masa hadapan. We as parents will always be there for them and always there to guide but it is they themselves who make their future worth the while. Amin.
Adios amigos.