I know, I know Valentine's Day dah lepas! But I would just like to share my collections of all time favorite love songs.
Valentine’s Day to me is like kalau ada duit nak celebrate, celebrate la. Kalau pokai....,buat cara pokai. My Valentine's Day just came and passed by swiftly.
Me : Happy Valentine’s Day, ayah!
Hubby : Happy Valentine’s Day, mummy!
Hihihi, tu je la……..This year I gave my hubby a valentine’s card. When I read it at the shop I told myself this is hilirious. Must buy it!.Must buy it! I pun boleh imagine my hubby's reaction-he's gonna to have a heck of a laugh reading it. This is what written on the card,
When I bought this card for you
To show you my affection
I put it in the envelop
Then licked the sticky section
My tongue slid from right to left
And then from left to right
At first I licked it softly
Then I licked with all my might
I licked it really slowly
And I licked it quickly too
And every single second…I imagine it was you!
Trashy kan......kutuk, you live up to your reputation, hihihi.......

In return I received a key chain with an orchid embedded in the middle (the orchid has gone through a special foliage process to preserve the freshness of the flower). The flower was tastefully arrange to create a stunning range of lasting beauty. My hubby said, lagi best sebab bunga tu tak akan layu or mati sampai bila2. Ini kes nak jimat beli bunga untuk I forever.
However mana pun orang lain pertikaikan hari valentine’s ni, religiously or not……it’s up to the individual la. Ada yang kata haram sebab you meraikan hari St. Valentine kerana ini bukan ajaran atau berlandaskan ajaran Islam. Memang betul tu.
But for me hari ini bersamaan dengan hari PEMBAZIRAN. Tapi tak pa pembaziran yang boleh dimaafkan sebab mendatangkan manafaat kepada both parties. I scratch your back you scratch mine punya kes.
Well speaking from a woman point of view, hari kebesaran cam ni aweks definately aspect something cam bunga. Tipula kalau cakap,"....tak pa kalau u tak bagi pun tak pa...."Boleh blah!
- Bunga pun bunga ros. Ia melambangkan cinta....chey! Selalu warna merah la! Kalau setakat satu kuntum tak main la…mesti nak satu dozen. Hari tu bunga mau melambung RM10-RM12 sekuntum. Dah terbang RM120.
- Valentine's card is a must...bolehla feeling2 skit. (RM10-RM15 for a damn sexy card!)
- Pas tu kena beli hadiah. Cokelat tak main la……..takut gemuk! Hihihi....at least something in ‘gold’, music box ke, perfume ke, lingerie ke etc. (RM20-RM2k....hihihi mak oiiii mampus-ha nak sangat, ambik ko!)
- Pas tu nak bagi hadiah kena pulak bawak dinner. Dinner mesti la special sebab tak kan nak bawak ke kedai mamak atau kedai tom yam tepi jalan. Abok suit. Dah la dressing macam nak rak, mekap cun-cun and perfume berkati-kati, tak kan makan situ kot. Paling busuk pun Pizza Hut. Kalau pergi hotel jangan la cakap….Set dinner for 2 person pun beratus.
Brabis sakan....So kalau ada awek janganla memanjakan dia selalu nanti merana badan. Bila dah biasa dengan 1st class treatment....nanti depa expect over the moon ke, sky ke punya treatment. Bila dah kahwin semua tu dah tak matter lagi. Dah dapat, apa nak cakap lagi....mula la tak sayang i lagi la sebab u tak bagi I bunga,....kenapa tak macam dulu sebelum kahwin....., mula ungkit mengungkit.
I ingat cite orang dolu2, masa belum kahwin and berjalan berduaan si awek terlanggar batu then jatuh. Si pakwe akan memaki batu tu. Tetapi bila dah kahwin, si bini terlanggar batu and jatuh, bini kena maki pulak, " Oi buta ke dah tak nampak batu?". So pengajaran tu semuanya.
People always say if you want to show your undying love to someone be it your spouse, girl or boyfriend, you don’t actually have to express/show/wait only on Valentine’s day. Biar tiap-tiap hari tu Valentine's day. Lagi bagus kalau you keluarkan kata pujukan rayu tu. Tak adala boring sangat. Seram da......
But the problem with our society, not everyday we appreciate or show love to our partner. That is why celebrating a day such as Valentine’s tu ok jugak. Biar your partner berhabisan untuk menunjukkan kasih saying dia. Or just a suggestion, pick another day as your own Valentine’s day for both you and partner only to celebrate. Amacam? Doesn't have to be 14/2!
Obviously, as a women, I too want to be wine and dine, as per say. I am not an expensive person but I like my Valentine’s day to be a special one. Bare with me cause I want to share you my imaginary Valentine’s day. Ahaks!
Step 1 : Bangun je pagi dah ada Valentine’s card and satu rose next to my bed. Kalau ari cuti, lagi bagus kalau dapat breakfast in bed. Hihihi……Shakira will pujuk me for the rose. Ambik le!
Step 2 : Tengahari ada one bouquet of roses arrived atau hadiah delivered to the house or office depending where I am on that day. A phone call will follow. Jangan hantar chocolates atau doughnuts sebab nanti Shakiel belasah abis.
Step 3 : Getting ready to be wine and dine. Curi2 keluar so that the kids tak dengar both hubby and myself sneak out. Kalau dia orang tahu…..satu taman boleh dengar suara dia orang meraung.
Step 4 : Dinner will be at an itallian restaurant…ahaks! Oh maybe not. I imagine a cruise on Putrajaya Lake. Ala….cruise boat yang ada restaurant makan tu! Not an expensive person, am I? Who am I kidding?
Step 5 : Romance. Hihihi…..kat mana? Ada duit gi hotel je kalau tak kat bilik tido pun dah cukup bagus. Pasang CD tapi sekarang CD player dah rosak so pasang radio le. Dengarla sekali suara DJ masa make out. Telinga kena pasang sekali, kot kot nanti budak dua ekor tu nanti bangun and bursting into our bedroom while…..you know what……potong stim je la.
Anyway whether you wish or not wish to celebrate, terserahlah. Enjoy my collection of love songs.
Ready or Not – After Seven
Vision of Love – Mariah Carey
Could I Have This Kiss Forever - Whitney & Enrique
More Than Words – Extreme
Fly me to the Moon – Frank Sinatra
Lady in Red – Chris De Burgh
You’re My Everything – Santa Esmeralda
Here and Now – Luther Vandross
Is this Love? – White snake
Sea of Love – Honey Drippers
Wonderful Tonight – Eric Clapton
Everytime you go Away – Paul Young
From this Moment – Shania Twain
My Valentine – Martina Macbride
Sweet Love – Anita Baker
Just the Way you Are – Billy Joel
Ketulusan Hati - Anuar Zain
Love Makes Things Happen – Pebbles and Babyface
Suddenly – Billy Ocean
Cherish – Kool & The Gang
Dari Sinar Matamu – BPR
Kasih – Dayang Norfaizah
Happy very belated Valentine’s Day!